The Lords of Capital Decree Mass Death by Starvation
Having crushed the planet's peasants and converted food into just another commodity for global manipulation, the Lord's of Capital have unleashed upon humanity the threat - no, certainty - of mass starvation. The criminal mega-enterprise is centered in the United States, the former "breadbasket of the planet" whose massive conversion to biofuels has caused staple crop prices to skyrocket beyond the reach of hundreds of millions of the world's poor. The death of millions translates into profits in the trillions for the Lords of Capital, killers on a mass scale whose only talents lie in "the production of overlapping calamities, each more lethal than the last."
By Glen Ford
"No amount of emergency aid is sufficient to make up for the wild price rises that have already occurred."
29/04/08 BAR" -- 16/04/08 -- - Fidel Castro called biofuels "genocide," and he was right. And there can be no question as to the identity of the perpetrators of this global genocide: the Lords of Capital that formulate the foreign and domestic policy of the United States. That policy calls for 20 million acres of corn from states like Iowa to be converted from food to fuel. As should have been expected, such a massive diversion almost immediately pushed up the price of all other basic foodstuffs - a global disaster made quick and easy by the fact that, over the past several decades, planetary food production has been taken over by agribusiness - the speculative human parasites that control how food is bought and sold, and to whom, and for what purpose. These Lords of Capital are killers on a mass scale.
"Hot" money has totally distorted the "marketplace" for life-sustaining goods, causing millions of the desperately poor in scores of countries to take to the streets. "In less than a year," writes the Guardian newspaper, in Britain, "the price of wheat has risen 130 per cent, soya by 87 per cent and rice by 74 per cent."
These are nothing less than crimes against humanity, and cannot help but destroy the lives of millions who are already at the very edge of the precipice.
"The Lords of Capital have imposed a triage of death by starvation on the planet."
The so-called "market" - which is actually a club of super-rich men who distort and destroy everything of value to humanity that they touch - will be the death of us all, and much quicker than through the effects of global warming, which is also greatly accelerated by the ghoulish, greedy rush to grow food for cars rather than people. In such a murderous environment -manipulated purely for the profits of the Lords of Capital - neither trees nor peasants stand a chance. The United Nations says it needs about half a billion dollars for the most critical cases of starvation, but no amount of emergency aid is sufficient to make up for the wild price rises that have already occurred - and which will put trillions in the pockets of the Lords of Capital.
Agribusiness wiped out small farmers in the U.S., and impoverished and pushed off the land untold millions of peasants, worldwide. Now the Lords of Capital have imposed a triage of death by starvation on the planet. The people who live on two dollars or less per day will have to die, and then, as prices rise, the three dollar people will follow.
The men who profit from such mass murder use terms like "structural adjustment" and "economic fundamentals" to attach a veneer of rationality to a chaotic system they have created on the fly for the sole purpose of mega-theft. In the end, the Lords of Capital have mastered only one art: the production of overlapping calamities, each more lethal than the last. Soon, if not already, the Haitian poor will have no cooking oil to mix with clay for their diet of dirt pies. The Lords of Capital will have turned them into dirt for another Haitian's consumption and demise.
For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford.
BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at
Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com
Broadcasters and others desiring an MP3 copy of this commentary should visit the Black Agenda Radio Archive page here.
Surat tahun 1871 dari Albert Pike untuk Mazzini
*Peringatan ini hanya beralas pada catatan sejarah dan kaitannya dengan agama maka pembaca perlu merujuk pada yang lebih arif.
Warkah seorang Illuminati iaitu Albert Pike untuk salah seorang anggotanya bagi melaksanakan satu perancangan halus terhadap dunia dalam agenda Zionis. Terjemahan serba kekurangan ini di harap mampu menyedarkan kita akan segala kealpaan yang berlangsung hingga saat ini. Jahil dari memahami dan mempraktik keagamaan secara tulus dan murni dan kecenderongan menyandarkan fahaman agama pada logik akal dan memberatinya tanpa usul periksa bakal menjebak diri kedalam konspirasi yang merosakkan. Teks asal surat berkaitan boleh dirujuk pada lampiran yang di sertakan. Walau apapun polimik yang berlaku mengenai kesahihan surat tersebut tetapi kaitannya dengan apa yang berlangsung hampir bersamaan dan anehnya surat tersebut di temui sebelum kebanyakan perkara yang dinyatakan dalam surat tersebut berlaku. http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkl5o4BdIj.0ACVBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWgwN285BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=122jbckqu/EXP=1209610728/**http:/www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm
Surat tahun 1871 dari Albert Pike untuk Giuseppe Mazzini
“Perang Dunia Pertama mesti dicetuskan untuk membolehkan Illuminati http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Illuminati.htm. meruntuhkan kuasa Zar Rusia dan menjadikan negara tersebut sebagai kubu bagi fahaman ateis iaitu komunisma. Perselisihan serta perbezaan yang diatur oleh ejen-ejen illuminati yang terserap didalam Empayar British dan Jerman akan digunakan untuk mencetuskan peperangan. Di akhir peperangan tersebut, Negara dan fahaman komunis akan diperkukuhkan untuk menghancurkan kerajaan-kerajaan lain bertujuan untuk melemahkan fahaman keagamaan”.
“ Perang Dunia Kedua mesti dicetuskan dari kesempatan pada perbedaan fahaman fasis dan politik Zionis. Peperangan ini perlu dilaksanakan agar fahaman Nazi akan terhapus dan Politik Zionis menjadi kukuh untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara Israel yang bebas di Palestin. Semasa perang dunia kedua itu berlangsung fahamn Komunis di dunia akan diperkukuhkan untuk mengimbangi pengaruh fahaman Kristian dan pengaruh-pengaruh bersabit perlu dikawal sehingga pada satu masa apabila tiba masanya untuk kemusnahan total umat manusia”
Selepas perang dunia kedua, fahaman komunis telah bertambah kuat untuk menguasai kerajaan-kerajaan yang lemah. Dalam perunding Potsdam pada tahun 1945 diantara Truman, Churchill dan Stalin sebahagian Eropah telah diserahkan pada Rusia dan dibahagian lain dunia kesan dari peperangan dengan Jepun telah membantu menyerapkan gelombang pengaruh komunis ke dalam Negeri China.
Nazi dan Zionis masih belum lagi di kenali di era 1871 dan pembaca perlu mengetahui bahawa Illuminati yang bertanggungjawab melahirkan kedua-dua pergerakan tersebut. Manakala Komunisma pula berasal dari revolusi Perancis yang hanya merupakan satu ideologi yang bukan pula jawapan bagi kedua-dua fahaman tadi. Pada tahun 1785 Restif mengenalkan idea komunisma sebelum revolusi di perancis meletus. Restif dan Babeuf masing-masing sebenarnya terpengaruh dengan idea Rousseau sebagaimana juga dengan pengaruh konspirator terkenal di kalangan mereka iaitu Adam Weishaupt.
Para pelajar sejarah pasti mengenali dengan nama Otto Von Bismarck http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Bismarck iaitu konspirator Albert Pike dalam usaha melagakan-lagakan Kerajaan British dan Jerman yang berlaku diantara tahun 1871 hingga 1898 yang membawa pada Perang Dunia Pertama.
Malaysia failed to honor its commitment to Iran
US knew that Malaysia is in its weakest state, politically and economically and it is very dependent to their power for manipulation. Iran as a potential treat to western stakes in the Mid- East will sure be unwanted by U.S and its western allies to appear in any world forum or taking part in any exhibition elsewhere like here. With OIC as an irrelevant forum to the west, Iran of course knew what to expect from Malaysia which is now slowly migrating from Russia shadow (when Russia facing economic turmoil) towards US and willing to become it allies since Sept 11. It is only time as a factor and incidence can be choreograph by U.S intelligence at any time and at anywhere with consent from the Global Illuminati’s to foment war against Iran
http://www.informat ionclearinghouse .info/article186 99.htm.
Back home we are still in the state of shock from 12th GE and seems that unsettled issue are appearing from every corners and haunting the nation stability. With global food crisis worsen and oil prices skyrocketing reaching higher records consecutively in almost a week is very worrying. Food price is increasing not only here but globally and at the verge of major havoc that could create human crisis and is worsening in Asia. Surprising Malaysian is still cool and comfort and we are now addicts to politics which is mesmerizing most of us and getting glued to each happenings. Rather than uniting against the real treat we are now fighting each other and fall succumb to emotional behaviors and insist to stay that way.
The colors now do favor the Western Zionist and Najib must have been sweating to throw his invitation card on Iran at their face telling them ‘just buzz off’. May be like AAB he too sometime dreamt, maybe busy comforting his lady and is it really that Malaysian Intelligence really worth the praise given by U.S relating to Sept 11 tragedy. How did our Government works? Is there no advisor on foreign affairs on inviting other countries to the exhibition or they are not functioning at all. Perhaps there are communication break down among Malaysian Government Authorities which already create problem in Schomi issue and now again Malaysia is connected
Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran
The nation's top military officer said today that the Pentagon is planning for "potential military courses of action" against Iran, criticizing what he called the Tehran government's "increasingly lethal and malign influence" in Iraq.Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a conflict with Iran would be "extremely stressing" but not impossible for U.S. forces, pointing specifically to reserve capabilities in the Navy and Air Force."It would be a mistake to think that we are out of combat capability," he said at a Pentagon news conference.Still, Mullen made clear that he prefers a diplomatic solution to the tensions with Iran and does not foresee any imminent military action. "I have no expectations that we're going to get into a conflict with Iran in the immediate future," he said.Mullen's statements and others by Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently signal a new rhetorical onslaught by the Bush administration against Iran, amid what officials say is increased Iranian provision of weapons, training, and financing to Iraqi groups that are attacking and killing Americans.In a speech Monday at West Point, Gates said that Iran "is hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons." He said a war with Iran would be "disastrous on a number of levels. But the military option must be kept on the table given the destabilizing policies of the regime and the risks inherent in a future Iranian nuclear threat."Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, who was nominated this week to head all U.S. forces in the Middle East, is preparing a briefing soon to lay out detailed evidence of increased Iranian involvement in Iraq, Mullen said. The briefing will detail, for example, the discovery in Iraq of weapons that were very recently manufactured in Iran, he said."The Iranian government pledged to halt such activities some months ago. It's plainly obvious they have not. Indeed, they seem to have gone the other way," Mullen said.He said recent unrest in the southern Iraqi city of Basra had highlighted a "level of involvement" by Iran that had not been understood by the U.S. military previously. "It became very, very visible in ways that we hadn't seen before," he said.But while Mullen and Gates have recently stated that the Tehran government certainly must know of Iranian actions in Iraq, which they say are led by Iran's Revolutionary Guard, or Quds Force, Mullen said he has "no smoking gun which could prove that the highest leadership [of Iran] is involved in this."© 2008 The Washington Post Company
Melayu dan Tanah Melayu
Bertakhta atas pengaruh Knight Templer yang kini di kenali dengan nama Zionis, kerajaan England mula merasai bertanggung jawab untuk meneruskan kebanyakan agenda penjajahan untuk memperkuatkan Empayar British yang telah melahirkan Republik Freemason pertama iaitu Amerika Syarikat. Bagi mengatasi masaalah logistik serta perbelanjaan dan pemberontakan oleh warga tempatan yang rumit untuk di tangani maka kemerdekaan terpaksa juga diberi. Sebelum kemerdekaan sesuatu Negara Jajahan diserahkan maka perlu ada agenda halus dan mereka berjaya menyemai benih yang kemudiannya hidup dan subur sebagai satu jaminan dari kemerdekaan yang terpaksa mereka anugerahkan. Mereka tidak mahu agenda Zionis mereka tersekat separuh jalan dan dengan kepakaran minda Yahudi yang mahir mengenai Sosio Budaya dan Tradisi masyarakat dunia maka agenda "divide and rule" di semai di Tanah Melayu dengan membawa masuk terlalu ramai pendatang-pendatang asing untuk menyekat penguasaan total bangsa Melayu Islam jika diberi kemerdekaan yang mana bangsa ini telah ditindas dan tertekan selama beratus tahun dijajah.
Dengan sisa-sisa pengaruh atau doktrin yang menular dalam masyarakat dan pentadbiran juga benih benih perkauman yang mula berpengaruh maka negara seperti Malaysia terpaksa menelan tawaran yang telah sedia ada. Kebijaksanaan untuk bersatu dan bertoleransi perlu ada yang bakal menentukan nasib kemerdekaan negara yang mereka anugerahkan. Kebanyakan negara yang merdeka hanya mampu untuk merdeka dari segi zahir tetapi lemah dan mudah dikotak-katik dari bangun untuk bersaing dengan kekuatan yang miliki oleh Zionis Barat. Sebuah Empayar Islam Melayu seperti Melaka tidak boleh dibangkitkan kembali dan mereka telah berjaya mengimpot dan memaksakan ke dalam Negeri Tanah Melayu dengan potensi-potensi masaalah yang bakal melumpuhkannya untuk bangun kembali.
Rujukan dari laman2 Freemason dan Anti Freemason.
Persoalan dan permasaalahan yang timbul......
Kini sebagai sebuah negara yang majmuk mahu atau tidak orang-orang melayu perlu ada jati diri untuk meneruskan kemandirian mereka serta membina kerangka susun atur bangsa untuk generasi penerus. Segala yang telah berlaku merupakan sejarah yang harus dikenang dan dijadikan pengajaran agar melayu terus berusaha dengan lebih gigih bagi mengembalikan maruah dan ketuanan mereka. Ketuanan di sini bukan bermaksud untuk menindas atau menafikan hak bangsa lain yang turut berjasa dalam waktu getir diakhir era pemerintahan Inggeris dan penaklukan jepun.
Menafikan ketuanan bangsa melayu oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab seolah-olah menafikan kewujudan bangsa melayu selama beribu tahun membina tamadun mereka sendiri di bumi ini yang kemudiannya telah dihancurkan oleh penjajah barat berulang kali. Di mana lagi melayu yang ujud di negara ini untuk berbangga akan asal usul mereka yang lebih dahulu mendiami tanah ini dan berakar umbi membentuk satu tamadun dan satu bangsa yang melakar sejarah tersendiri. Segala kekecewaan dan kerosakan akibat penyelewengan yang dilakukan pemimpin-pemimpin melayu yang leka dan hanyut dengan kuasa dan keseronokan perlu diketepikan kerana apa yang telah berlaku terbit dari kesilapan dan kelalaian kita semua dalam membiarkan segalanya berlaku.
Andainya umat melayu telah benar-benar sanggup untuk berada pada satu pembaharuan yang menggamit mereka ke pentas kebebasan, keadilan dan kesamaan bagi semua kaum di bumi melayu ini maka melayu tersebut perlu untuk cerminkan diri dahulu dan mengukur kemampuan mereka. Andainya keyakinan atas kemampuan mereka menyebabkan pilihan ini di buat maka teruskanlah kerana melayu bukan bangsa yang benar-benar lemah seperti yang digembar-gemburkan dari sejarah putar-belit oleh sarjana-sarjana zionis yang memang menginginkan bangsa melayu akhirnya lesu kerana mempercayainya.
Apabila menyebut tentang pengkhianatan memang benar melayu telah dikhianati oleh bangsa sendiri dan sejarah kerajaan Melaka sebagai contohnya. Tentang kemampuan untuk bersaing memang ada melayu yang mampu bersaing tetapi tidak seberapa peratusannya dan mereka ini memang bertuah kerana mampu untuk awal sedar dan bersaing tetapi secara umumnya bagaimana? Begitu indah bunyinya untuk satu pembaharuan yang diterima ramai, tetapi adakah pembaharuan tersebut berupaya untuk berjalan seiring dengan niat dan ikrar yang dilafaz ketika ghairah meneguk minuman dalam bejana politik pilihanraya? Dalam dunia yang semakin serba mencabar dan rumit dan senario manusia umumnya yang ramai hanya mementingkan diri dan keluarga untuk “survival” adakah sifat insan murni yang diangan-angankan itu mampu menghiasi jiwa-jiwa majmuk di negara yang seakan telah punah ekonominya.
Ini belum lagi dibicarakan mengenai kepercayaan dan ketaksuban sesuatu penganut mengenai agamanya. Nyata dan jelas masing-masing agama terdapat banyak pertentangan mengenai asas kepercayaan mereka iaitu tentang ketuhanan. Memang ada beberapa persamaan tetapi bertentangan pada akidah dan konsep kesucian mampu mencetus konflik yang lebih rumit andainya masing-masing hanya sekadar bersetuju hanya untuk satu tujuan iaitu merealisasikan satu perubahan kuasa untuk memerintah. Jangan kerana ghairah merayakan satu kemusnahan yang diharapkan kita lupa untuk memulakan pembinaan insan dalam diri hingga masa-masa yang mendatang bakal menghalakan kita pada satu kemusnahan yang lebih besar dan kemusnahan itu akan melibatkan keseluruhannya. Bercakaran sesama sendiri tanpa kesudahan dan menganggu-gugat perjalanan kerajaan sama ada kerajaan yang memerintah negara atau kerajaan negeri yang ditadbir pembangkang tidak akan memperkuatkan atau menstabilkan negara untuk kebaikan.
Dunia kini berhadapan dengan pelbagai krisis yang rumit yang belum pernah berlaku sewaktu dekad-dekad lampau. Krisis pemakanan bakal menular ke setiap pelosok dunia dan sistem kewangan yang dimonopoli zionis telah berjaya menghancurkan kestabilan USD yang sengaja dilakukan bagi mengikis nilai kewangan negara-negara yang bergantung dengannya. Kenaikan harga minyak yang mencatat rekod baru dalam 6 hari berturut-turut sudah tentu melemahkan instituisi kewangan negara-negara yang kecil ekonominya. Kita tidak tahu apakah langkah yang akan diambil oleh Amerika Syarikat bagi menangani keruntuhan ekonomi mereka dan apakah seperti yang sudah-sudah mereka akan merealisasikan satu lagi serangan ke atas sebuah negara lain untuk mengalih isu sebenar yang mereka sedang hadapi. Kiranya berlaku satu lagi serangan maka keadaan dunia akan lebih parah lagi.
Agenda Zionis menakluk dunia dan kita lihat disisi kita dan ianya bermula dengan bendera ini.

From 1707 to approximately 1800, Wilson shows the Honourable East India Company ensign with the British Union flag.
Ikuti kenyataan mengenai Sejarah Bendera Malaysia atau Jalur Gemilang. Bermula denga satu peraduan mencipta ………
Flag Proposals 1949
Document, BT 11/4189, in the Public Record Office at Kew explains some of the thinking behind the design of the Malaysian Flag.
Federation of Malaya Order No.61 of 1949 announced that a committee had been set up to make recommendations for the design of a Federation Flag. A competition was organised with the suggestion that, in any design submitted, the flag should be simple, and have not more than four colours, which might perhaps be yellow, red, white and blue, the colours most frequently used in the flags of the nine states and two settlements of the federation. Suitable symbols would include the kris (a Malayan sword), tiger, and crescent.A total of 373 entries were received. The committee chose three to put before the Legislative Council:

image by Eugene Ipavec, 7 September 2007
In the centre of a blue flag, two crossed red kris, surrounded by a circle of eleven white five pointed stars. (Crossed kris can be seen behind the anchor on the Malaysian naval ensign).
Explanation. Colours; red was found on six state/settlement flags, white on five, and blue on three, and all were colours of the Union Jack. Eleven stars of equal size, equally spaced, represented the states/settlements in no particular order, and each of equal importance. Kris was of great antiquity and peculiar to the Malayan archipelago, thus identifying the flag with Malaya.

image by Eugene Ipavec, 7 September 2007
Similar to the first proposal, but with the stars arranged in two concentric circles, one of six stars, outside one of five stars.
Explanation. The same as first proposal, with the inner circle of stars representing the Unfederated Malay States and the outer circle the four Federated States and two Settlements.

image by Eugene Ipavec,
Six blue and five white horizontal stripes. A red canton half the length of the flag resting on top of the white stripe second from the bottom. A yellow five point star, oriented with one point in the six o'clock position, in the centre of the canton, and a yellow crescent, arranged like a C, between the star and the hoist.

Berlaku ubah suaian beberapa kali kerana tidak diperkenankan oleh Raja Inggeris
The newspaper Malay Mail published the designs and organised a poll. 42 percent favoured the third proposal, 27 percent wanted the fourth, with kris instead of the crescent and star, and 25 percent wanted a Union Jack included.
On 6 March 1950 the Federal Legislative Council decided that none of the designs were acceptable, and asked for a revised design that would be considered on 19 April. At this meeting the Council approved a revised version of (3) in which, the blue stripes were replaced by red stripes, the red canton was replaced by a blue canton, and the five point star was replaced by an eleven point star.
Hakikatnya siapa sebenarnya pemenang peraduan mencipta bendera tersebut?
Akhirnya dengan persetujuan dari Raja Inggeris rupanya jadi begini!

Rekabentuk bendera tersebut telah mendapat kelulusan Raja George VI pada 19 Mei 1950....
Ini pula bendera Amerika Syarikat atau dikenali dengan First Republik Of Freemason ( rujuk pada perlembagaan dan bahan-bahan sejarah yang terukir di statue of liberty serta bangunan-bangunan bersejarah mereka).

Siapa yang mengatakan Anwar atau Mahathir atau PakLah itu agen atau kroni zionis mereka belum tentu betul . Yang betulnya semua kita yang bekerja, berhibur dan tidur dalam alam yang dimonopoli zionis adalah lebih zionis dari zionis. Zionis tidak menghancurkan bangsa yahudi mereka walaupun berlainan pendapat. Dan Goyim-goyim atau haiwan-haiwan ( yahudi merujuk pada bangsa lain) mudah bersengketa dan mudah dihina dan amat mudah untuk dihancurkan hanya dengan sesama sendiri, macam haiwan yang tidak berakal.
Rise of The New Energy World Order
The End of the World as You Know It…and the Rise of the New Energy World Order
By Michael T. Klare
17/04/08 " Tomdispatch" -- -Oil at $110 a barrel. Gasoline at $3.35 (or more) per gallon. Diesel fuel at $4 per gallon. Independent truckers forced off the road. Home heating oil rising to unconscionable price levels. Jet fuel so expensive that three low-cost airlines stopped flying in the past few weeks. This is just a taste of the latest energy news, signaling a profound change in how all of us, in this country and around the world, are going to live -- trends that, so far as anyone can predict, will only become more pronounced as energy supplies dwindle and the global struggle over their allocation intensifies.
Energy of all sorts was once hugely abundant, making possible the worldwide economic expansion of the past six decades. This expansion benefited the United States above all -- along with its "First World" allies in Europe and the Pacific. Recently, however, a select group of former "Third World" countries -- China and India in particular -- have sought to participate in this energy bonanza by industrializing their economies and selling a wide range of goods to international markets. This, in turn, has led to an unprecedented spurt in global energy consumption -- a 47% rise in the past 20 years alone, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE).
Man Made Famine
16/04/08 "The Guardian" -- - For anyone who understands the current food crisis, it is hard to listen to the head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, without gagging. Earlier this week, Zoellick waxed apocalyptic about the consequences of the global surge in prices, arguing that free trade had become a humanitarian necessity, to ensure that poor people had enough to eat. The current wave of food riots has already claimed the prime minister of Haiti, and there have been protests around the world, from Mexico, to Egypt, to India.The reason for the price rise is perfect storm of high oil prices, an increasing demand for meat in developing countries, poor harvests, population growth, financial speculation and biofuels. But prices have fluctuated before. The reason we're seeing such misery as a result of this particular spike has everything to do with Zoellick and his friends. Before he replaced Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank, Zoellick was the US trade representative, their man at the World Trade Organisation. While there, he won a reputation as a tough and guileful negotiator, savvy with details and pushy with the neoconservative economic agenda: a technocrat with a knuckleduster. His mission was to accelerate two decades of trade liberalisation in key strategic commodities for the United States, among them agriculture. Practically, this meant the removal of developing countries' ability to stockpile grain (food mountains interfere with the market), to create tariff barriers (ditto), and to support farmers (they ought to be able to compete on their own). This Zoellick did often, and enthusiastically.Without agricultural support policies, though, there's no buffer between the price shocks and the bellies of the poorest people on earth. No option to support sustainable smaller-scale farmers, because they've been driven off their land by cheap EU and US imports. No option to dip into grain reserves because they've been sold off to service debt. No way of increasing the income of the poorest, because social programmes have been cut to the bone. The reason that today's price increases hurt the poor so much is that all protection from price shocks has been flayed away, by organisations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank. Even the World Bank's own Independent Evaluation Groupadmits (pdf) that the bank has been doing a poor job in agriculture. Part of the bank's vision was to clear away the government agricultural clutter so that the private sector could come in to make agriculture efficient. But, as the Independent Evaluation Group delicately puts it, "in most reforming countries, the private sector did not step in to fill the vacuum when the public sector withdrew." After the liberalisation of agriculture, the invisible hand was nowhere to be seen. But governments weren't allowed to return to the business of supporting agriculture. Trade liberalisation agreements and World Bank loan conditions, such as those promoted by Zoellick, have made food sovereignty impossible.This is why, when we see Dominique Strauss-Kahn of the IMF wailing about food prices, or Zoellick using the crisis to argue with breathless urgency for more liberalisation, the only reasonable response is nausea.
Russia--Increased Attempts to Regulate Internet
March 24, 2008
Increased Attempts to Regulate Russian Internet
Three bills under consideration in the Federal Asssembly suggest the government is considering extending its control over the Internet, particularly the blogosphere, one of the few alternative sources of information and collaboration open to the opposition in the face of increasing government control of the mainstream media. The bills have aroused some public controversy and even apparent opposition from some senior officials, with one of the proposed laws already being amended to remove provisions affecting the Internet. Government proponents have tried to reassure Internet users that these bills would not lead to censorship or limits on Internet access.
Limits on Foreign Investment in Internet Rejected
The amendment to the law "On the Order of Foreign Investment in Companies and Organizations Having Strategic Importance for National Security," sponsored by the Duma Committee on Building and Land Relations, would have expanded the number of sectors of the Russian economy that are considered "strategically important to national security" to include the Internet and publishing, thereby limiting foreign investment in the two sectors. According to Vedomosti sources, Vladislav Surkov, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, was the driving force behind the expansion of the list of strategically important sectors (5 March). The amendment passed the first reading last fall. However, on 16 March, shortly before the second reading, committee chair Martin Shakkum announced that the committee would remove the section of the law covering Internet providers. An unnamed Vremya Novostey source stated that President-Elect Dmitriy Medvedev's involvement in the issue precipitated the decision to drop the provision covering the Internet (17 March).
The previous version of the amendment would have required foreign investors wishing to purchase more than 50% of a Russian company related to the Internet to obtain the approval of the Russian Government. Any investor company in which a foreign government has a stake would have had to gain permission for a purchase of more than 25%. The law would not have been retroactive; however, companies with foreign investors who own more than 5% would have had to inform the government of that fact (Gazeta.ru, 5 March).
Shakkum did not say whether the section of the amendment covering publishing would be changed. If the amendment is adopted in its current form, foreign companies wishing to invest in publications would only face limitations if the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service deems their position in the market "dominant," meaning that any of three companies controlling 50% of the market together or any of 5 companies controlling 70% together (Gazeta.ru, 5 March).
Despite support for the amendment from some Duma deputies and the fact that the law was proposed by a Duma committee, several officials and experts from various fields strongly criticized it, calling it harmful and senseless.
Duma Deputy Gennadiy Gudkov, a Just Russia member of the Security Council in the Duma, raised concerns that the bill's Internet provisions would cause Russian Internet resources to be moved to the shadow market. "I do not understand how such a law can function in relation to electronic mass media and Internet publications. The location of servers has no importance for electronic mass media....They can be moved outside of Russia and such a move would have no effect on their work," he maintained (Gazeta.ru, 5 March).
Leonid Bershidskiy, the owner of KIT-Finance, asserted that even if the limits to investment in publishing concerns were adopted, they would not have any effect because no Russian publication matches the criteria outlined in the law: "Every company dreams of creating a publication that would gain 50% of the market but no one has succeeded so far....If someone did decide to limit the presence of foreign investors on the market for print media, that would bear witness to the even lower level of liberalism of the new authorities compared to the old. But I do not think that will happen" (Gazeta.ru, 5 March).
Leonid Reyman, minister of Information and Communications, criticized the previous version of the amendment, stating: "I feel that there is no benefit in any kind of restrictions. This will lead to a situation in which the Internet will pull out of our country." (Vremya Novostey, 17 March)
Amendment to Law "On Mass Media" Raises Concerns
Vladimir Slutsker, deputy chairperson of the Joint Commission on National Policy and Cooperation of Governments and Religious Unions of the Federation Council, announced the planned amendment to the law on mass media on 11 February. If passed, the amendment would give any electronic media which has more than 1,000 hits per day the status of mass media, thus making them subject to laws on mass media such as the law on extremism. The 1,000 hit per day threshold was determined based on the current legal threshold of a distribution of 1,000 copies or more per day for print media. The sponsors of the amendment stated that the goal of the law is to control the spread of child pornography, libelous information, as well as terrorist and other extremist information (Strana.ru, 11 February).
Amid controversy and outcry provoked by news of the draft, supporters of the bill attempted to assuage fears that it would lead to censorship, promising that the law would not affect sites that are "not information sources." They also promised that the bill would be put up for discussion by members of the Internet community prior to being passed.
On 11 February, Slutsker gave a very broad definition of sites to be covered: "Any regularly updated Internet site can be included in the understanding of mass media, including personal diaries, various forums and chats including, for example, dating sites" (Gzt.ru, 11 February). However on 12 February he backed off, stating: "The amendments to the law 'On the Mass Media,' which were discussed today by the Internet community, only concern sites which are in fact Internet mass media although they are not registered at the moment...The blogosphere, dating sites, and search engines will not fall under that law because they are not mass media" (SMI.ru).
Boris Gryzlov, speaker of the Duma and leader of the pro-Kremlin United Russia party, said that no limits on the spread of information on the Internet should be enacted: "As concerns the Internet, in no way should there be an attack on its freedom." However, he asserted that security must take precedence, stating: "We know that the Internet is all too often used as an instrument for destabilization and for terrorism. That kind of use of the Internet must be stopped" (Newsru.com, 12 February).
Bloggers expressed varying degrees of alarm over the potential danger the law would pose to their community, with some alleging Slutsker is trying to use the law to silence his opponents and dismissing the law as unlikely to be passed.
Blogger may-antiwar wrote: "As soon as a site becomes mass media we will be threatened not only with immediate shut down but also unpleasant personal sanctions under the law 'On extremism' and we will become political prisoners. They have declared war on our resource" (may-antiwar.livejournal.com, 27 February).
Blogger Viking-nord asserted that Slutsker "just wants to get even with the Antikompromat.ru site, on which the journalist (Oleg) Lurye insulted the family of the senator." (1) The blogger called the initiative "extremely stupid" and claimed that "over the last five years there were 20 such initiatives and no one ever passed one of them" (Viking-nord.livejournal.com, 11 February).
Internet sites, like bloggers, expressed their concern that the law would lead to the closure of Internet resources and ridiculed the 1,000 hits per day figure. Newsru.com, a popular Internet news site associated with exiled media magnate Gusinskiy, warned: "After the adoption of such a law, being on the Internet will make one subject to the Criminal and Administrative Codes and any critical comment directed at the authorities could become defamation or libel. This could lead to the closure of Internet forums and their owners could be punished for opinions expressed by forum participants if they are deemed extremist" (12 February). Strana.ru, a news website owned by the government's TV and radio broadcasting company VGTRK, opined: "To anyone who is at all familiar with the Internet, such an idea is absurd. Internet sites with more than 1,000 hits per day number in the thousands on the Russian net and far from all of those are information resources. There are social networks, online journals, employment searches, forums, Internet stores, file hosting...It is not clear how and more importantly why one should register them as mass media" (11 February).
Draft Bill "On the Internet" Mulled
On 29 January the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy discussed a draft law entitled "On the Internet," written by the Center for Internet Technology (ROTsIT) and the Electronic Communications Association for the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Governments from the CIS. The bill would create a model law that would outline fundamental concepts, terminology, and directives for Internet standards. According to the text of the bill posted by Lenta.ru, the law will "define the system of government support for the Internet, designate participants in the process of regulating the Internet as well as their functions when regulating, and define the guidelines designating places and times of the performance of legally significant actions upon use of the Internet" (Lenta.ru, 29 January). Gazeta.ru reported that the Federation Council would consider the bill in March (29 January).
Pro-government supporters of the draft bill presented it as necessary to prevent Internet crime and tried to reassure citizens that the law is not intended to enact censorship and will not limit access to Internet.
Putin ally and commission chairperson, Lyudmila Narusova, began the meeting by attempting to reassure possible critics of the law, stating: "I want to disappoint those who think that our bill is directed at repressive measures, at putting pressure on or blocking someone." She argued that the primary goal of the bill is to outline fundamental concepts and regulate a "series of things on the Internet, because, in the wrong hands, this could lead to various forms of crimes." She cited the spread of child pornography, instructions in how to make explosive devices as examples (Gazeta.ru, 29 January).
Sergey Mironov, leader of the Just Russia party and speaker of the Federation Council, promised: "It is necessary to regulate this sphere, but there can be no censorship of the Internet" (Gazeta.ru, 29 January). Yuriy Sharandin, head of the Federation Council Committtee on Constitutional Legislation, stated: "It is not only possible but necessary to regulate the content...not preemptively because then it would be censorhip, but by punishment for breaking the laws, for example, on the distribution of pornography, and inciting racism or ethnic discord" (Gazeta.ru, 29 January).
Internet sites reacted in various ways to the news on the draft bill "On the Internet," with some predicting government censorship and others declaring that the law would not be repressive. Forum.msk.ru, a leftist, nationalist website featuring political news and rumors, raised concerns about the law's provisions for a national registry that can "simply annul a domain name because the contents of the site violate the laws of a third country." The editors concluded: "In fact serious censorship of the Russian Internet...is being proposed" (1 February). Novyy Region, a nongovernment news website covering regional events, emphasized that no repression was planned: "Despite all the fears connected to possible censorship of the net, it seems that the goal of the new draft law is not the limiting of freedom of information, but will touch on Internet terminology. According to the authors of the law, there is no immediate need for government interference in the Internet" (29 January).
Some bloggers warned that a law regulating the Internet would lead to Internet censorship similar to that of China and cautioned the government against interfering.
Anton Nosik, head of blogging at SUP-Media and well-known Russian Internet figure, warned that "the adoption of a single law on the Internet will lead to the same limit on Internet activity as in China." Instead, he recommended making separate updates to the Civil or Criminal Codes (Gazeta.ru, 29 January).
Responding to Nosik's blog post, dudinov wrote: "The draft bill is technically illiterate" and reflects "the desire of specific individuals in the Federation Council to talk themselves up and of others to forbid things....Our Union of Webmasters of Russia and I have started actively to educate 'lawmakers' on the dangers of regulating what works well and is developing on its own" (dolboeb.livejournal.com, 29 January). Implications The increased attention to the Internet suggests that the Kremlin is considering greater control over the heretofore largely free medium. However, the scaling back of sections of the bills suggests that the Kremlin is proceeding cautiously, sending up trial balloons in the Federal Assembly through United Russia. This could also reflect a divergence within the Kremlin over the approach to the Internet given that Medvedev was credited with the changes to the bill supposedly pushed by Surkov.
Breaking Through the News Filter
By: Peter Chamberlin
07/04/08 "ICH" -- --- If it is true that the power belongs to the people in America, and Congress still answers to the people, then what force prevents the people from rising up to demand that Congress answer to the people's will? The answer to that question is that the "silent majority" is only silent because they have been kept in the dark; they do not know the truth about the dire predicament we are in.
The American mainstream media has allowed itself to serve as a disinformation service for the promotion of neoconservative (Likud) propaganda to the American people, under the guise of the "free press." American media dispenses misinformation which promotes the idea of world war against the Muslims, while systematically censoring international news content to propagate the idea of "bad Muslims." This effectively insulates Americans from any truth that might leak out of the wire services, guaranteeing that graphic images of Iraqi or Palestinian children being pulled out of the American-made rubble or lying stacked-up like cordwood in a local morgue are not seen by many people. It is the powerful censored images of what is being done that will get ordinary, big-hearted Americans to pay attention to our own war crimes.
This is the real unseen war being fought mostly in population centers, where powerful bombs and armor rip through communities to flush-out all the proud patriotic young men who would dare to harbor ideas of self-defense or resistance. This is the cold reality of the war, that we are fighting a war against ideas with heavy bombers and tanks. This is what the self-anointed saints (neocons) describe as a "clash of civilizations." That is the official story line that is fed to the American people by the nightly news, as they create an illusory vision of the war, in order to mislead.
News about the real war that leaks through the media filter undermines the fake publicity war. The revealed contradictions that seem to undermine "the mission" are written off as "mistakes" by reporters (which politicians immediately deny), even though they showed the real war unfolding according as planned. The war planners counted on chaos and sectarian violence to erupt after the overthrow of regimes. The plan had always been to trigger a series of wars of manageable size, by using local gangsters and mercenaries to foment divisive insurrections. The purpose of this strategy was to target local "extremists," the official designation of those who would take up arms against the American proxies.
It is the job of the "news"/propaganda organ to build on this idea of self-defense=terrorism, as the foundation for waging the propaganda war against the American people. The American mercenaries become "linked to al Qaida" in the official deception, as they begin to assassinate the targeted leaders of those who resist the coming occupation. Once begun, any one of these local conflicts could be pumped-up into a real war. Eventually, one of these small wars would explode into the desired regional conflict, which would enable America to use of all the weapons in its arsenal, in a massive campaign to seize all the oil fields and potential supply routes.
In their pursuit of the imperial agenda, the mainstream media has used the campaign for president in a masterful stroke of misdirection, to distract the people with the "shiny object" (the false hope of our first "people's president" since JFK). The false hope of our first independent president obfuscated the fact that today all political candidates are beholden to a foreign power (Israel), because of the power accumulated by the agents of that foreign government (AIPAC, the Israel lobby), as demonstrated in the "bi-partisan support" for an attack upon Iran.
It is because of this illusory national unity for expanding the war, which directly contradicts the common will among the people for shutting-down the war, that the people are becoming aware of the lies. As people begin to awaken to the truth about the war they start to understand that the "war" being described on television by reporters, politicians and military types is not the real war that is unfolding behind the curtain. When enough people awaken to this truth they will represent an irresistible force to the unwanted expansion. Once this new national consensus is created we will demonstrate to Cheney that we really do oppose his war, even though his opinion will once again be "So?"
Even though the American majority clearly wants this war ended now, that is not the intention of the ruling elite. Cheney's minions have already set tripwires, beyond our reach in the countries that border Israel, for triggering a larger "defensive" conflict. That is the nature of trip wires; once some careless fool sets such a trap, he has no say about when it is who tripped, or by whom. Our fate has been placed in Israel's paranoid hands, even though Israel is the only country in the world that has consistently pushed our government to attack Iran or its allies on their behalf.
This intolerable situation presents us with an overwhelming problem that must be dealt with immediately, if we are to avoid the accompanying military disruption of our lives that will come with it. How do we inspire the dazed American people to rise-up and stop this new aggression from happening in their name, against their will? How can you convince a nation that has buried its own conscience that it is in its own interest to take a stand against state genocide?
The sleeping sheeple are blissfully unaware that world war may be imminent. They do not know that the day after Cheney visited the royal house, the Saudi Shura Council announced "national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards," because of credible threats to Iran's Bushehr reactor. Americans will not hear this from the national news, but they will hear every word of Petraeus' upcoming testimony before Congress, where he will blame everything on Iran once again. This time he may provide the missing catalyst for igniting the war on Iran, since the government has not yet been able to provoke an Iranian misstep to their provocations in Iraq. Somebody has to be forced into fighting back, somewhere, before we can label them "al Qaida" and the use of the really big guns is authorized.
The forbidden reaction of self-defense (which we define as "terrorism") is more likely to come from one of Israel's ongoing military provocations against the feisty freedom-loving Arabs, than from Iran. Our government is deeply involved in supporting these Israeli attacks upon the Palestinians and their neighbors, in the hopes that one of these attacks will bring sufficient Muslim retaliation upon Israel to justify our waging a larger genocidal war against Islam, in defense of Israel. The centerpiece of this strategy is guaranteeing Israel's security. That is the central rationalization for utilizing nuclear weapons to disarm Iran.
The fulfillment of the Likud plans of Ariel Sharon for the land of Palestine remains the central foreign policy goal of the Bush Administration. We are the primary diplomatic force pushing the other nations to support the medieval Israeli seige and strangulation of Gaza, as well as the illegal partitioning of the West Bank (Ariel Sharon called it making a "pastrami sandwich" of the territories). Our government has also intervened militarily, by parking the Fifth Fleet off Lebanon's coast to support the next Israeli attempt to annex southern Lebanon and to eliminate Hezbollah and Syria along with it.
There is a third world war coming, with consequences for all living things. We have the legal authority under our Constitution to prevent our elected proxies from carrying-out this next planned war in support of Israel, yet the feeble American resistance movement cannot even agree on a common purpose. We all must decide whether we are in this volunteer freedom militia to stop the war machine before it becomes unstoppable, or just to validate our own pet theories and vindicate our own biases. The more time we waste fighting over the divisive questions that keep us apart (and keep us isolated from the American majority), the easier we make it for the enemy to bide their time, until their big opportunity arises.
For now, we must put aside all other divisive issues which separate us and make our message undeliverable to the American sheeple. This means that all issues that do not directly contribute to blocking the attack should be considered secondary issues. We cannot question our current course, which leads to the destruction of American democracy to save Israeli democracy, if we cannot get past distracting questions concerning 911.
Identifying the prominence of Israel in our war upon the world, will automatically repel many heavily-indoctrinated Americans, before they ever hear our arguments for opposing this war. It is true that American media is dominated by pro-Israeli interests who regularly censor pro-Palestinian, or pro-Muslim news. This is the nature of our national news filter, the obstacle that must be overcome. We will not be able to get questions out that cross the "red lines," or use words like "Zionism, ethnic cleansing," or "Israeli aggression."
We cannot deal with the Israeli connections to the "mistakes" we have made in our own war on terrorism if we cannot separate the historical record of Israeli actions from ongoing speculation about Israeli connections made in 911 investigations. Going off on these diversionary tangents merely disrupts the debate about Israeli manipulation of American foreign policy, which is a hostile act that must not go unpunished. The temptation is to go off on side issues such as the "holocaust" or "Jewish supremacy" that are unrelated to stopping Israel's war, only helps to validate charges of "anti-Semitism."
The neocon war plan which flowed outward from the Vice President's office, becoming American foreign policy, began in Israel's Likud Party. Israel's war on terror became the template followed in America's terror war, from the Islamaphobic strategy at its core, to its indiscriminate policy of assassinations using large missiles on crowded streets. The placement of hundreds of neocon ideologues, many of them citizens of both the US and Israel, brought the Likud war plans for America directly into the heart of American government. This amounted to the wholesale infiltration of our government by elements of the Israeli government. This infiltration was by the aggressive party of the expansionist Zionists, the soldier-settlers who are at the center of the current settlement land grab controversy.
If Congress can be pressured into ignoring calls from the White House to attack Iran, because of the deterioration of Iraq, can the people then produce more pressure than the political pressure generated by the Israel lobby? We don't have to produce a revolution to take back our country, we just have to be able to generate irresistible political pressure to wrestle control our Congress from the lobby's hands. You see, they've all got it turned all around. It is we the people who control our government, not the other way around.
Questions like these are all over the Internet, but the answers given to them can only be enacted outside the Web, within the mainstream media. Our small minority cannot affect change of this magnitude without help from the silent majority (sheeple). The fact remains that we will never reach this mute/deaf majority until we get some of these questions into that controlled media. I believe that we will begin to successfully penetrate that media filter whenever we learn how to simplify our questions so that they fit within the boundaries that have been set by political correctness. If we focus on one all-important line of questioning, carefully choosing the words that we use (aimed at stopping the planned escalation of the war), we may avoid causing reactionary responses.
Find the right questions and hammer away at people like Brzezenski,
or search for the last real newsman, one with a conscience. The point is, the hammering must not stop. There can be no let-up, no peace for the enablers of our dysfunctional government, until they stop their war upon the world.
Contact author: chamberlin_peter@yahoo.com
Nasib Sang Kelembai.
Kisah Blogger Sang Kelembai korner baring
Oleh AgendaDaily
Selasa, 08 April 2008
ZAHARIN Mohd Yasin asalnya adalah satu nama kecil dalam arina politik tanahair.Dulunya bekas Setiausaha UMNO Bahagian Bandar Tun Razak,Kuala Lumpur ini lebih dikenali dalam lingkungan orang UMNO sahaja kerana perwatakannya yang vokal dan jenis ‘ lepas cakap’.
Kisah Zaharin tiba-tiba menarik perhatian satu negara bila dia menjadi blogger pertama dipecat dari UMNO. Malah boleh dikatakan perhatian orangramai di negara ini pada kewujudan laman-laman blog terus menjadi-jadi setelah isu pemecatannya menjadi berita besar. Ini gara-gara Zaharin menerusi laman blognya yang popular ‘ Sang Kelambai’ dan terus aktif hingga ke hari ini telah berterusan membelasah Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam setiap tulisan. Kebetulan pemecatannya pada 26 September 2006 oleh Lembaga Disiplin UMNO telah diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri sendiri semasa sidang akhbar selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO di PWTC. Tindakan itu tidak menutup mulutnya sebaliknya laman blognya semakin ganas menghentam Abdullah. Selain laman blognya, Zaharin meneruskan tindak tanduknya menerusi sebuah laman web tv bebas dimana dia menjadi pengulas politik undangan dari masa ke semasa. Dia juga menghentam Abdullah dalam beberapa ceramah politik yang disertainya. Semasa kempen pilihanraya umum baru-baru ini dia adalah penceramah utama yang kerap turun padang di Rembau khusus untuk membelasah menantu Perdana Menteri,Khairy Jamaluddin yang bertanding atas tiket BN di kerusi parlimen itu. Tiba-tiba pagi Isnin satu kejutan berlaku. Lokasinya ialah Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota Kinabalu semasa ramai orang politik berhimpun di situ menyambut ketibaan Abdullah untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan para pemimpin UMNO dan BN Sabah. Antara kelibat yang kelihatan di situ tidak lain tidak bukan ialah Zaharin sendiri. Siapa yang tidak hairan melihatnya di situ. Dia terus mencuri perhatian apabila meluru menyapa Abdullah tidak lama lepas Perdana Menteri turun dari pesawat pada jam 10.30 pagi dan bersalaman dengan para pemimpin UMNO dan BN yang menyambutnya di situ. Sewaktu bersemuka dengan Abdullah dia kelihatan bersalaman dan bercakap sesuatu. Selepas pertemuan Abdullah dengan para pemimpin UMNO di Hotel Sutera Habour kira-kira jam 3 petang,sekali lagi Zaharin bersua dengan Abdullah. Kali ini mereka berpelukan. Apa dah jadi ? “Sewaktu bersua di lapangan terbang saya terus memohon maaf kepada Pak Lah dan beliau tidak berkata apa-apa tetapi wajahnya nampak sebak,”kata Zaharin kepada Agendadaily. Manakala di Hotel Sutera Habour semasa berbual sejenak Zaharin memberitahu Perdana Menteri mulai sekarang dia akan berusaha membantu mengukuhkan balik UMNO. Katanya Abdullah menerima permohonan maafnya dan mereka sama-sama sekata nak buka ‘ buku baru’. Anihnya kenapa Zaharin tiba-tiba berubah ? Apapun dia segera menjelaskan kedatangannya ke Kota Kinabalu bukan diatur oleh sesiapa atau perubahan pendirian kerana ‘dibeli’ dan sebagainya. Katanya tujuan asal dia datang ke Kota Kinabalu adalah untuk menyiasat sendiri kebenaran cerita dan dakwaan mengatakan ada kalangan ahli parlimen BN nak melompat ke pembangkang. Menurutnya dia pergi ke lapangan terbang semasa ketibaan Perdana Menteri untuk ‘ lihat-lihat’ saja. Namun katanya dia merasa tersentuh bila tiada dikalangan para pemimpin UMNO dan BN di situ yang memandang serong,mengata atau menyindirnya. “Lagipun misi saya terhadap Pak Lah dah selesai.Mungkin peranan saya tidak besar tetapi sebagai blogger sentiasa menghentam beliau dan melakarkan banyak kata-kata yang menjadi ikutan orang...saya rasa saya turut sama menyumbang pada tsunami politik yang melanda UMNO dalam pilihanraya umum baru ini,”katanya. Menurut Zaharin sebenarnya dia sudah terasa nak ubah pendirian bila Abdullah membuat pengakuan beliau memikul tanggongjawab atas prestasi teruk BN dan kekalahan di empat negeri lagi dua hari lalu. “Bagi saya satu pengakuan bertanggongjawab itu penting bagi seseorang pemimpin,”katanya. Katanya beliau tidak mahu lagi melihat UMNO terus terumbang ambing dan kalangan ahlinya dan pemimpinnya bercakaran sesama sendiri mencari salah siapa dan sebagainya. “Walaupun kini saya bukan ahli UMNO setelah dipecat dari parti tetapi jiwa dan roh saya masih lagi UMNO…Selama 35 tahun saya jadi ahli parti jadi saya mahu lihat parti saya stabil balik dan Pak Lah diberi peluang membetulkan balik keadaan. “Ibaratnya UMNO macam sebuah kapal yang bocor ditengah lautan.Maka semua orang dalam kapal itu harus sama-sama bantu membantu membawanya balik ke pelabuhan.Mana ada orang buang nakhoda kapal di tengah laut ketika ia sedang dilambung lautan bergelora,”katanya. Menurut Zaharin beliau tidak setuju dengan tindak tanduk Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah terus menerus membelasah Abdullah. “Yang sudah tu sudahlah…Dalam keadaan sekarang mereka sepatutnya tampil sama-sama membetulkan keadaan dari dalam dan bukannya tumpu perhatian nak singkir Perdana Menteri,”katanya.
“Tun dan Ku Li adalah pemimpin besar.Saya tidak akan kata apa-apa pada mereka.Saya akui dulu saya selalu bersama mereka.Sebaliknya sekarang saya sendiri akan berusaha untuk menarik mereka yang sokong tindak tanduk Tun dan Ku Li agar kembali membantu Pak Lah mengukuhkan balik UMNO,”katanya. Menurut Zaharin sekalipun UMNO ada sedikit sebanyak kekurangan tetapi ia satu-satunya wadah yang paling selamat bagi orang Melayu berpayung. Baginya PKR-PAS–DAP adalah satu pakatan pembangkang yang tidak menentu nasib masa depannya. “Sekarang ada Datuk Seri Anwar nampak macam OK …soalnya kalau sesuatu terjadi padanya atau lepas beliau tidak ada nanti apakah lepas itu PAS boleh berkerjasama dengan DAP.Semua orang tahu bagaimana rapuhnya hubungan kedua parti.Sebaliknya UMNO dan BN sudah teruji selama ini. “Tengoklah nanti…saya menduga lepas ini sokongan orang Melayu akan kembali kepada UMNO seperti dulu.Oleh itu dari sekarang para pemimpin UMNO harus fokus pada usaha memantapkan balik parti. Zaharin memberitahu dia akan memohon untuk masuk balik UMNO. “Jika tak diterima balik sekalipun saya akan tetap membantu UMNO dari luar,”katanya. Bagaimana tentang laman blog Sang Kelambai? Apakah ia akan kiritikal macam dulu? “Saya tidaklah hentam Pak Lah macam dulu-dulu tetapi tetap menegur apa yang saya nampak hal-hal tidak betul dalam parti dan kerajaan,”katanya.
"Assalamualikum" in Hokkien version?
How some language or words contradicted in meanings or similar against races will of course because as what have been told earlier and it is the wonders of humans languages and don’t forget that we are originated from the same individual at earlier stage of human existence.
But like what this lady call Tan Siao Ping from Penang mentioned (as attached) it sounds like humiliation and she is trying to trigger other people’s rage. She is really looking for trouble and look at what she quote in one of it contents “Why corruption in Malaysia will never eradicated! Because when (Muslim) officials meet, they remind one another:” unquote.
Muslim is mentioned in close and open brackets. What is she trying to catch? is it because of her arrogant or perhaps that is how she or people like her been brought up in this country and their mind are full with so much unsatisfactory and hatred inspite of being welcome to stay and breed. I’ve got some funny feeling the moment I look at her image by some chances and by trying to understand those two words following her sir name, it remind me of someone from Communist China. I really do not know whether this Tan Siao Ping is a descendant from Deng Xiao Peng or that she only resemble in belief.
I will like to ask Hokien’s Chinese the meaning of Muslim greetings when they meet each other, as what she claimed is it true or it is just an insult. Actually I do have my own references. For this Tan Siao Ping I will like to remind her something. She did mentioned Muslim officials when they meet… How will she feel when some Muslim government officials really wants to meet her? Hope she can prepare herself with linguistic specialist to confirm her claim.
As to officials where she work is this behaviour acceptable to the standard of information to be passed around amongs staffs and exported to public. From some sources where the company she is working it happened to have only one Malay Muslim Manager and one Indian among hundreds appointed. Are there discrimination in appointing officers we really do not know ? Maybe R.O.C or some government authorities will need to check this company status and find out did it comply to the standard required in appointing staffs? ( reffering to government quota ) Is there exist discriminations in that area? This kind of double standard have been implemented unofficially in some company especially Malaysian owned. Trying to understand the new Penang government and how they administrate, CM Lim Guang Eng will know better how handle this problems. Hope he will do as what he is trying to potrait and actually Penang citizen even me did have high expectation in him. Just remember that everybody is equal and the pay should be equal too so thus the chances by merit. On pursuing the same opportunity and standard of living the present situation will be unfair for Malays and Indian because they are way off being left behind. It will also not be fair when the Malays are trying to give but there is no return.
Read her statment below;
Location : Bayan Lepas FTZ
Plexus Penang.
From: SP Tan
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: FW: The origin of Allsalmualaikum and Mualikumsalam is not Middle Eastern, it'sHokkien!!
The origin of Allsalmualaikum and Mualikumsalam is not Middle Eastern, it'sHokkien!!
The origin of Allsalmualaikum and Mualaikumsalam is not Middle Eastern,it's Hokkien!!Why corruption in Malaysia will never be eradicated!
Because when (Muslim) officials meet, they remind one another:Official A says: ''Wa salah Lu Mai Kong' (Allsalamualaikum)
Official B replies: 'Wa Mai Kong Lu Salah' (Mualaikumsalam)So now we know the origin of Allsalmualaikum and Mualikumsalam is not Middle
Eastern, it's Hokkien!!
Putin scores diplomatic victory by blocking NATO's expansion plan
Published: April 3, 2008
BUCHAREST, Romania: Russian President Vladimir Putin scored a major diplomatic coup by scuttling the NATO membership bids of Ukraine and Georgia even before he reached the NATO summit.
NATO's plan to expand further into former Soviet turf collapsed Thursday when leaders — anxious to avoid angering Moscow — opted not to put the strategically important nations on track for membership.
Putin had strongly warned the military alliance against moving to bring Ukraine and Georgia aboard. He even threatened that Russia could point its nuclear missiles at Ukraine if it joins NATO and hosts part of a U.S. missile defense system.
In the waning days of his eight years as president, Putin demonstrated his strength — successfully driving a wedge through the NATO alliance.
The United States, Canada and Central and Eastern European nations backed the membership bids of Ukraine and Georgia. But Germany, France and some others resisted it for fear of damaging ties with Russia, a key energy supplier to the continent.
NATO pledged Thursday to embrace Ukraine and Georgia some day, but the failure to grant them a specific route to membership was a major foreign policy success for Putin just over a month before he steps down as president.
Russia has been unable to prevent Western recognition of Kosovo independence or to block U.S. missile defense plans. The collapse of NATO's expansion plan marks the first time since the Soviet collapse when Russia got the upper hand in a dispute with the West.
"Clearly Putin is victorious," said Sergei Karaganov, a Russian political analyst with close ties to the Kremlin. "He has changed the tone of relations between Russia and the West."
Putin's coup comes after the Kremlin closed a series of pipeline deals, dashing Western hopes of easing the EU's dependence on Russian energy.
Last fall, Russia signed an agreement with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan for a pipeline that will carry Central Asian gas via Russia, draining the main source for the U.S.-backed Nabucco natural gas pipeline. It has also struck deals with Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia.
Konstantin Kosachev, the head of foreign affairs committee at the lower house of Russian parliament, said NATO's failure to grant membership action plans to Ukraine and Georgia showed Germany, France and some others bear a "responsible attitude."
For the expansion plan to succeed, all 26 bloc members must approve. Even backing from President Bush, who stopped in Ukraine on his way to Bucharest, failed to persuade the reluctant NATO members to drop their objections.
"It was a victory for those who didn't want destabilization in Europe, and it was a defeat for those outside of Europe who were seeking to destabilize it," Karaganov said.
Looking upset, Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko said Thursday that his nation's membership bid was a test for the alliance. He tried to put on a brave face, declaring: "I'm convinced that Ukraine will be in NATO."
Andriy Parubiy, a lawmaker from Yushchenko's faction in parliament, criticized Germany and France, saying: "Their decision was based on economic blackmail by Russia."
Georgia's president, Mikhail Saakashvili, warned that snubbing his U.S.-allied nation would be a "bad sign."
"It would not help our reform process," he said in an interview published in the German daily Handelsblatt. "But either way, we will stick to the Atlantic perspective."
Putin was to dine with NATO leaders and summit guests Thursday evening, and will attend a meeting of the Russia-NATO Council on Friday.
Russia and NATO signed a partnership agreement in 2002 envisaging cooperation in combating terrorism, curbing proliferation of mass destruction weapons and other issues. But Russia's ties with the West worsened amid various disputes, and Putin grew increasingly critical of NATO.
Russia has strongly opposed U.S. plans to deploy missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic. Last year, it suspended its participation in a Cold War-era arms control treaty limiting the deployment of conventional weapons on the continent.
Ukraine and Georgia were part of the Russian Empire for centuries before becoming Soviet republics, and their importance is underlined by key westbound energy pipelines.
Associated Press writers Mike Eckel in Moscow, Maria Danilova in Kiev, Ukraine, and Alison Mutler in Bucharest contributed to this report.
Sekadar Memberi Pendapat.
Ada Syiah ada Sunnah ada Wahabi dan banyak lagi yang menghasilkan sektoran atau mazhab yang semakin merumitkan sarjana-sarjana selama berabad yang cuba memenuhkan gedung ilmu mereka. Sejarah Islam yang dipenuhi konflik menerbitkan pelbagai fahaman-fahaman dan pendapat-pendapat yang bersimpang siur menyusuri perkembangannya dan sukar dielakkan dari sesetengah kita meragui sebilangan pendapat yang diwarisi . Penerimaan fahaman pula bergantung kepada individu bagaimana ia dididik dengan pendekatan dan ilmu pengetahuan tersebut. Di sini bukan untuk menafikan fahaman atau pendapat mereka yang berusaha untuk membawa dan menegaskan sesuatu pegangan yang mereka kira benar dan betul sebagai ikutan. Apabila dua orang yang kita kenali baik dan warak serta berpengetahuan dan mereka berselisih pendapat tentang sesuatu tidak membolehkan kita yang marhain ini secara taksub menerima atau menentang secara semberono. Bersangka baik itu dituntut dan adalah lebih baik untuk bersangka baik dari bersangka buruk yang hasilnya tentu juga buruk. Masing-masing ada khilafnya dan masing-masing ada maslahatnya, apa yang sesuai untuk sesuatu pihak tidak pasti sesuai untuk yang lain dan manusia berdiam melampaui sempadan sosio budaya dan ekonomi dan ini telah berlangsung selama beberapa abad dan kurun. Kini walaupun dengan kepantasan teknologi maklumat segala pendapat yang dilambakkan oleh sesuatu pihak akan tetap perlahan untuk diadaptasikan dalam kehidupan manusia yang berbeda budaya, sejarah dan geografi.
Sejarah perkembangan Islam memang penuh bergolak dan dari keadaan itu terbit perbedaan pelbagai pendapat dan fahaman dengan pro dan kontra pada sesuatu pendekatan yang diketengahkan. Pertelingkahan dan persengketaan sesama sendiri turut menyumbang pada hadirnya pelbagai pendapat yang melahirkan fahaman-fahaman yang sesetengahnya ketara bertentangan sesama sendiri. Oleh kerana kesederhanaan dituntut maka kesederhanaan dipopularkan untuk mengasingkan umat dari sifat ekstrim yang melampau. Tetapi sifat ekstrim itu pula berbeda pendekatan dan iktikad pada situasi yang dihadapi. Sebagai contoh mereka yang merasa berdosa yang teramat, kelihatan seolah-olah meninggalkan dunia dan asyik beribadah untuk mendekatkan diri pada ketuhanan dan ini dilihat melampau oleh mereka yang sibuk mengintai atau suka mengambil tahu hal dan keperibadian orang lain. Walhal ianya hanya menyentuh kejiwaan dan perasaan seseorang hingga ia kembali tenang dan selesa. Manusia memang lengah dan cepat merasa jemu dan begitu juga berlaku pada praktis ( yang kelihatan ekstrim atau berlebih-lebihan ) yang dilakukan untuk mencari ketenangan jiwa yang dirasanya bergelumang dengan kesalahan. Sesuatu yang tidak memudaratkan umat secara keseluruhannya dan lebih bersifat peribadi kenapa begitu dibahaskan dan diserang habis-habisan seolah-olah ianya satu kemungkaran atau jenayah yang besar . Adakah berkemungkinan kerana terbit pula sifat jemu pada mereka yang resah melihat sesuatu keadaan atau tabiat yang dikira bertentangan dengan ilmu yang mereka tuntut. Sesuatu tabiat walaupun ianya tidak menyentuh akidah tetapi dilihat jelek kerana berlawanan dengan pendapat yang dianggap suatu bidaah yang buruk.
Berbalik pada hadis laungan azan tadi dan pada sebilangan hadis yang lain kalau hendak dikaitkan dengan pendapat-pendapat muktabar yang melibatkan pelbagai perselisihan menerusi perdebatan pasti akan terbit keraguan. Ianya tidak akan diperdebatkan sekiranya tiada keraguan dan hasil dari masing-masing pendapat ada pula yang dikutip oleh yang ramai dan kelangsungan itu berterusan hingga ke hari ini. Tentang kesahihan melalui penelitian dan perbicaraan oleh jiwa-jiwa manusia tentang kebenaran jalan dan kisahnya ( sanad ) berupaya mewujudkan ruang yang membawa kepada keraguan. Tiada manusia yang benar-benar sempurna dan status kesempurnaan itu terbit dari para-para pengikut dan penuntut yang memberi gelaran hingga sebahagiannya menjadi taksub berlebih-lebihan. Apapun apa yang wujud sekarang baik dari segi material, sosio ekonomi malahan perkembangan sains dan teknologi dikira amat berbeda (bidaah) dengan apa yang terdapat pada awal waktu Islam itu berkembang. Peraturan-peraturan telah lengkap dicatatkan di dalam wahyu sebagai rujukan untuk jiwa yang bersih tulus dan rasional. Mereka yang sayangkan agamanya akan beramal dengan sebaik mungkin menurut Al Quran dan berusaha merujukkan amalan dan praktis mereka pada hadis-hadis sebagai garis panduan dan timbangan bahkan untuk menggariskan sempadan. Apa yang baik diterima dan yang nyata mudarat hingga membawa pada kemungkaran dan kerosakan jiwa dan duniawi perlu di ketepikan. Jalan yang lurus itu jelas dan yang batil juga jelas. Risalah kebaikan yang dibawa oleh Rasul juga jelas dan mana-mana yang meragukan memang harus ditinggalkan andainya tidak membawa sebarang manfaat. Untuk menghiasi amalan bergantung pula pada kecenderongan dan keadaan jiwa yang tulus tanpa mencederakan tanggungjawab terhadap tanggungan, masyarakat dan alam sekitarnya. Apabila menemui sesuatu simpang dan cabang kerana tertarik hatinya, pegangan pula harus kukuh pada teras agamanya yakni jalan yang lurus yang tidak terpisah dengan pengertian akidah yang kukuh.
From: Abdul Aziz [mailto:Abdul_Aziz@Jabil.com] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:16 PMTo: AbdulRahman Osman; Arman Rashid; Azlan Ahmad; Ani Ahmad; Abdullah Nanyan; Azah Shaari; Anarkallia Aziz; Osman Hamid; othman.bahari@dhl.com; Saaroni Yaakob; safreezz@gmail.com.; Shimah; safreezz oo7; Jasmin Bidin; Khairolazani Ahmad; Kamal MdDaud; khalib@mypotensi.net; KamalP Abdullah; Khairulridhuan MdAni; Mawar Omar; Mohamed Ismail; Asri; ZulHusni Hassanudin (DHL MY); zainol@mypotensi.net; nurmiza-binti_ismail@agilent.comCc: WanSalleh_MohdDaud@bradycorp.comSubject: RE: Seruan Azan......
Hadis ini dah di”confirm”kan, tak sahih.
From: AbdulRahman Osman [mailto:AbdulRahman.Osman@plexus.com] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:02 PMTo: Abdul Aziz; Arman Rashid; Azlan Ahmad; Ani Ahmad; Abdullah Nanyan; Azah Shaari; Anarkallia Aziz; Osman Hamid; othman.bahari@dhl.com; Saaroni Yaakob; safreezz@gmail.com.; Shimah; safreezz oo7; Jasmin Bidin; Khairolazani Ahmad; Kamal MdDaud; khalib@mypotensi.net; KamalP Abdullah; Khairulridhuan MdAni; Mawar Omar; Mohamed Ismail; Asri; ZulHusni Hassanudin (DHL MY); zainol@mypotensi.net; nurmiza-binti_ismail@agilent.comCc: WanSalleh_MohdDaud@bradycorp.comSubject: FW: Seruan Azan......
On 3/29/08, zulfazle musthapa <zulfazle@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: SyfulAzril K <SyfulAzril.K@wdc.com>Date: Mar 28, 2008 3:13 PMSubject: Seruan Azan......To: RENUNG KAN LAH WAHAI KAWAN-KAWAN KU SEKALIAN....Lidah kelu di Saat kematian. Kematian pasti menjelma. Hanya masa dan waktunya yang tidak kita ketahui. Cuba kita amati... mengapa kebanyakanorang yang nazak (hampir ajal tidak dapat berkata apa-apa, lidahnya kelu, keras dan hanya mimik mukanya yg menahan kesakitan sakaratul maut.Diriwayatkan sebuah hadis yang bermaksud :"Hendaklah kamu mendiamkan diri ketika azan, jika tidak Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika maut menghampirinya."Ini jelas menunjukkan, kita disarankan agar mendiamkan diri, jangan berkata apa-apapun semasa azan berkumandang. Sebagai orangIslam kita wajib menghormati azan. Banyak fadhilatnya. Jika lagu kebangsaan kitadiajar agar berdiri tegak dan diamkan diri.... mengapa azan kita tidakboleh mendiamkan diri....!!! Lantas sesiapa yang berkata-kata ketika azan, Allah akan kelukan lidahnya ketika nazak. Kita takut dengan kelunya lidah kita semasa ajal hampir tiba.... maka kita tidak dapat mengucapkan kalimah "Lailahaillallah..." yang mana sesiapa yg dapat mengucapkan kalimah ini ketika nyawanya dicabut... Allah dengan izinNya menjanjikan syurga untuk mereka. Dari itu marilah kita sama-sama menghormati azan,...dan mohon kepada Allah supaya lidah ini tidak kelu walaupunnyawa sedang dicabut."Ya ... Allah, anugerahkanlah kematian kami dengan kematian yang baik lagi mulia, lancarkan lidah kami mengucap kalimahLaillahaillallah......semasa sakaratul maut menghampiri kami......amin..amin.. aminYarobbal a'lamin.."WASIAT NABI JUNJUNGAN KPD SAIDINA ALI R.A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wahai Ali, Bagi orang mukmin ada 3 tanda-tandanya :1) Tidak terpaut hatinya pada harta benda dunia2) Tidak terpesona dengan pujuk rayu wanita3) Benci terhadap perbualan dan perkataan sia-siaWahai Ali,Bagi orang alim itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya :1) Jujur dalam berkata-kata2) Menjauhi segala yang haram3) Merendahkan diri
Wahai Ali,Bagi orang yang takwa itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya :1) Takut berlaku dusta dan keji2) Menjauhi kejahatan3) Memohon yang halal kerana takut jatuh dalam keharaman
Wahai Ali,Bagi orang yang jujur itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya :1) Merahsiakan ibadahnya2) Merahsiakan sedekahnya3) Merahsiakan ujian yang menimpanya
Wahai Ali,Bagi ahli ibadah itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya :1) Mengawasi dirinya2) Menghisab dirinya3) Memperbanyakkan ibadah kepada ALLAH s.w.t.
LUCU YA !!!Lucu ya, duit RM50 kelihatan begitu besar bila dibawa ke kotak derma masjid, tapi begitu kecil bila kita bawa ke supermarket.
Lucu ya, 45 minit terasa terlalu lama untuk berzikir tapi betapa pendeknya waktu itu untuk pertandingan bolasepak.Lucu ya, betapa lamanya 2 jam berada di Masjid, tapi betapa cepatnya 2 jam berlalu saat menonton t.v. dan wayang di pawagam.
Lucu ya, susah sungguh merangkai kata untuk dipanjatkan saat berdoa atausholat, tapi bertapa mudahnya cari bahan bersembang bila bertemu kawan-kawan / pakwe / makwe.
Lucu ya, betapa seruan dan teriakan yang perpanjangan waktu pertandinganpasukan bola jadi kegemaran kita, tapi betapa bosannya bila imam sholat Tarawih bulan Ramadhan bacaannya lama dan panjang.
Lucu ya, susah sangat baca Al-Quran 1 juz saja, tapi majalah hiburan dan novel best-seller 100 halamanpun habis dilahap.
Lucu ya, orang-orang berebut paling depan untuk menonton bola atau konsert, dan berebut cari saf paling belakang bila sembahyang Jumaat supaya boleh cepat keluar.
Lucu ya, kita perlu undangan seawal 3-4 minggu sebelumnya untuk majlis ilmuan supaya boleh dimasukkan di agenda kita, tapi untuk acara lain seperti menonton wayang, annual dinner atau high tea jadual kita boleh diubah sekelip mata.
Lucu ya, susahnya orang mengajak menyebarkan dakwah, tapi mudahnya orangmenyertai dan menyebar gossip.
Lucu ya, kita begitu percaya pada yang dikatakan oleh orang sebagai e-mail layang di internet, tapi kita sering menolak, mempermudah serta mempersoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quran.
Lucu ya, semua orang inginkan masuk syurga tanpa harus beriman,berfikir,berbicara ataupun melakukan apa-apa.
Lucu ya, kita boleh mengirimkan ribuan jokes dan surat berantai melalui email, tapi bila mengirim yang berkaitan dengan ibadah seringkali berfikir dua-tiga-kali.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, ingatlah akan Allah dengan ingatan yang sebanyak-banyaknya (perbanyakkan mengingati Allah)" (Surah Al-Ahzab - ayat 41)"Dan sampaikanlah berita gembira kepada orang-orang mu'min bahwa sesungguhnya bagi mereka kurnia yang besar dari Allah. Janganlah engkau ikut orang-orang kafir dan orang-orang munafiq, dan biarkanlahmereka menyakiti engkau, dan tawakallah (menyerahlah) kepada Allah. CukuplahAllah sebagai wakil (tempat menyerahkan urusan)." (Surah Al-Ahzab - ayat 47 - 48 )>>
sebgaai tazkirah utk saya sendiri jugak...lucu atau tak..perkara ini memang melanda umat kita sekarang.....