
Khairy luring

First just keep Khairy in the shadow or let him lure under the grass menacing the country security and peace. Let him poke poisonous needle in the mind of people with the assistance of frustrated UMNO contractors and traders with the help of some malay morons from "Anggota 36". With khairy behind the curtain whispering to him what to do next the elected cabinet ministers will soon be review again awaiting for his son in-law to emerge and revive on top of the ruins.

Below are remarks from Malaysia Today.

Idiot wears adult pampers to swearing-in ceremony

Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 20 March 2008
By Little Bird
Yes it's not a sin and we cannot hold it against anyone either, except maybe the Prime Minister of MY country. I don’t care what anyone says but this is where I live.
A Prime Minister who wears adult pampers is just not right for me. And on top of everything else he is also an incompetent moron, a monkey and an idiot.
You can see for yourselves the abnormal bulge below the Idiots kain samping in this photograph at these locations
Blogger Sang Kelembai got thrown out of UMNO for pointing out the same thing about Idiot’s adult pampers.
Well folks, first things first. After the election results were out I thought I could lay off, maybe even retire from hitting so hard at this monkey. I have been meeting plenty of Government folks since the general elections and frankly few are unhappy with the results (they all voted for the Opposition. Shhh!) But the damned monkey is back. He refuses to leave in one piece. So we have no choice but to make sure he is kicked out of office. Many people are now working towards this end.
Let me assure my friends in UMNO, as certain as night is dark and day is bright, if Idiot remains the Prime Minister for five more years UMNO and the BN will become rubbish at the next elections. UMNO and BN are already half rubbish at the moment. If Idiot stays in power, there may not even be an UMNO come the next round of general elections. Talk is rife that our friends in Sabah and Sarawak who control 51 BN Parliamentary seats are very savvy about switching alliances. Better watch out!
Hishamuddin the pondan showed off the keris. Now that act of pondan stupidity has cost them dear. Five states and 2/3 majority gone – and I strongly believe forever. Serves you right Hishamuddin. But where are your balls now abang? Lu punya telor apa sudah jadi? Tak ada telor tak boleh main apa pun lah. Lu tak tahu kah? Get up, look into your pants and if your nuts are still there then go tell your moron presiden parti to get out lah. Suruh dia berambus saja.
After appointing another lacklustre Cabinet the Idiot said this:
“He said the issues that would be closely looked into”. And this “We need to understand them.” What an Idiot. After four years he still wants to waste time closely looking and understanding things. Sampai ke tua pun it still has not got into his skull yet.
The Idiot has appointed Muhyuddin Yassin as Minister of MITI. Muhyuddin speaks the best Malay in South East Asia but he no speaka de inglish maa. So how he going to speaka de inglish wif de foreign invester maa? Talk kok oso cannot one.
The Idiot has appointed Khaled Noordin as the Minister of Higher Education. Khaled is a Khairy crony and is better suited to replace Azeez Mat Rempit, who lost in Baling, as the new leader of the Mat Rempits. These are all punks.
The Idiot has also appointed ‘I no speake de inglish’ Muhammad son of Muhammad as Minister to take back Selangor from PKR. Few people know this but new appointee Amirsham Abdul Aziz is also enemy No.. 1 of the new Selangor Menteri Besar. As head of Maybank, Amirsham Aziz used to report to Tan Sri Khalid when Khalid was boss of Permodalan Nasional Berhad.. There is some bad blood between them. Welcome to Blogging Dato Amirsham. Keep your nose clean. First thing is you must know your Boss well. Now you work for Idiot. Please remember this everyday you go to work. You work for Idiot.
Idiot has also set up Ng Yen Yen in charge of Women’s Affairs. Then he has appointed Shahrizat Special Advisor (with Ministerial powers) handling the same portfolio. This has already started causing problems. 99% of issues at the Women’s Ministry involve Malay women. Two reasons for this i. they are the largest number of the population ii. They also have many many problems. These are mostly problems relating to second wife status, ibu tunggal, family problems etc. So Shahrizat is going to be sticking her nose into Ng Yen Yen’s affairs. Shahrizat needs the women to secure her place in Wanita UMNO. All that is down the drain now. The days of money politics are over. You have lost five states and 2/3 majority lah. Wake up.
Nor Mohd Yakob is back in the Finance Minister 2 slot. The first term has seen zilch from the Ministry of Finance. The stealing of RM1.0 Billion in the PKFZ, the Finance Ministry bailing out PKFZ with RM4.6 Billion, the ECM Libra-Avenue Capital scandal are all the work of the Finance Ministry. The cash handouts to Air Asia are also the work of the Finance Ministry. Much money has changed hands. Do you seriously that the leopards will change their spots over the next five years? At the next general elections we are going to see UMNO and Bn getting permanently kicked into the dustbin – not by the Chinese and the Indian and non Malays but by the Malay voters themselves.
Folks the Idiot is back. So am I. Have no choice.

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