
Something To Ponder

Some of the many Narration un-explained and were hidden from the mass. Some Scholar refuse to believe it and place these narration into questions while some others prefers their mouth shut, especially the Degreed Scholars. Surprisingly now it is already in the net.
Friends of an-nujaba were once being told by the late Sheikh.
“with God will, thou’ will witness this event whilst thou’ are still breathing”…..
I don’t know how you were brought up to think, but as a Moslem we are bind to serve God and we are urged to do and to think good and pure. We are to believe only one existence and Allah S.W.T is our only GOD while Muhammad is HIS last Messenger.
Other than that it is pure lies. Does anyone believing the same faith no matter what and who they are, we are still the same. How they practice towards it, is put into their own account. Accusing others because not following the same practice as ours even believing the same faith is just interfering others affairs. Unless we think that they really bother us and our families. Obvious scenario we can observe is that most of us are likely to spend times arguing among us with nowhere to go. While those who had gone astray (Christians) is collecting more and more people into their packed train towards condemnation. What we do at the moment is just the same as most people (Moslem) are and that is follow the mass. We are granted with ‘Akl and ‘Ruh to understand what is right and which is wrong and we neglect it because we prefer to takes sides.
Every Moslems were told to follow the Quran and the Sunnah, but most are not to take it into practice but rather to collect it as Knowledge and boast around.
Here are some of the narrations.
Narrated by Abu Hurayrah:"'The war of the end of time is the war of the world. There will be a third war after two great wars in which many are killed. He who will light the fires of the second world war will be known as the 'Great Leader'. 1300 years after the Hijra, count a few decades. At that time, the Greek King wants to wage a war against the entire world. Meanwhile, Allah commands the war for that man. A short while later, that is, in two decades, a man whose name is associated with a cat ( Hitler ) name from the German lands, appears as a scourge on the Romans. He starts to bother people and wants to hold control over the world. He wages war against the entire world, both the warm and cold lands. After years filled with severe war fires, he meets Allah's punishment. Then, he is killed as the Russian's mystery. Count five or six or seven or eight decades after 1300 of Hijra. At that time, a man called "Nasser" rules Egypt. Arabs call him "succa-ul Arab", the "brave of the Arabs." Allah despises him twice, once in a war, and then in another one. That "Nasser" can never attain victory. Upon this, Allah, the Lord of the House, makes a dark-colored person (Anwar Saddat), whose father is more enlightened than himself, the leader of the Egyptian people and the Arab nation. But, he makes an agreement with the thieves of the Masjid al-Aqsa. Then a cruel man appears in Iraq, which is located in the Damascus region. This man, with a slight injury in his eye, is a Sufyaani. His name comes from confrontation (Saddam), and he is confrontational against his opponents. All the world gathers for him in small Kut, the region to which he came previously because he was deceived. There is no good in that Sufyaani (saddam) except with Islam and he is both good and bad.....and woe to he who betrays the trustworthy Mahdi. Count two or three decades after the year/decade of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges. He fights the whole world and both the ones who have gone astray (Christians) and the ones who have earned Allah's anger (Jews) join against him with the hypocrites in the land of Isra and Miraj at Mount Megiddo. And there comes out against him the Queen of the world and deception, an adulteress called (America), who incites the world to deviation and infidelity...and the Jews of the world at that time would have the upper hand , ruling Quds and the holy city. And all nations come to fight by sea and air except those in the land of extreme cold and the land of extreme heat. And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the World belongs to Allah and to Him it will return, and that the World is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its roots to its branches.......and Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a disastrous punishment, burning their lands and seas and skies. And the sky rains down a harmful shower, with the people of the Earth cursing the infidels, and Allah wills the defeat of the unbelievers."

(Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik ("The Best ways to know the time of the Mahdi, King of the World, by Allah's command"), Qalda bin Zayd, p. 216)
The source mentioned for this narration, is a rare hand-written book (manuscript), dated around 300 years after the Hijra and is found today, in Istanbul, Turkey in the Süleymaniye Library, under the section listed as "Islamic manuscripts 3664/ Al Medina Al Munawara". This book contains an amazing collection of narrations, compiled by its author, Qalda son of Zayd son of Baraka, in Medina.

Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline

- by David Livingstone ©,
Aug. 22nd, 2005
Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with the Sinclair family, forging an important alliance between the head family of the Illuminati, and the supposed descendants of the Grail family.
As has been popularized recently by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code, or before him by the Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Stuarts of Scotland are supposedly descended from King Arthur and Jesus Christ. These families are of course not descended from Jesus. The idea is preposterous. But they are related to the Holy Grail, and they are not Christians, but Kabbalists.
In reality, they, like all the aristocratic bloodlines that form the core of the Illuminati, are descended from Guillaume de Gellone of the eighth century AD. Guillaume's father was Rabbi Makhir, among the Exilarchs who ruled the Jews in Baghdad, who was sent West after a dispute over the successorship. In France, he took the name Theodoric, married Alda, the aunt of Charlemagne, and was appointed “King of the Jews” in the region of the Languedoc, with his capital the city of Narbonne.
Narbonne then became the heartland of the Medieval Kabbalah. The Kabbalists of Narbonne seem to have been responsible for instigating the Crusades, in order to retrieve sacred texts that had been buried there, but which had been unaccessible because of first the rule of the Romans, and then the Muslims. Once Jerusalem was conquered, a Kabbalistic order of knights known as the Templars conducted excavations, and discovered the text of the Sepher ha Bahir, which revived the lost mystical tradition, and set off the cultural revolution of the Medieval Kabbalah.
Another aspect of the penetration of these Kabbalistic ideas was the heresy of the Cathars. The Cathar foothold was in the region of Tolouse, the bastion of the descendants of Guillaume, also known as the family of the Guilhemids, several of whom were ardent defenders of the heresy. However, the Cathars have been idealized by numerous Illuminati propagandists as having been innocent victims of Church persecutions, but the Cathars rejected the God of the Bible, in favour of the worship of Lucifer and practiced witchcraft. It was the Cathars who influenced the heretical aspects of the Templars, for which the order was disbanded in 1307.
Part of this Kabbalistic revolution was the legends of the Holy Grail, which included Cathar and Templar themes, and formulated in the region of Aquitaine, another stronghold of the Guilhemids. The Holy Grail, or San Greal, should have been translated as Sang Real, or Royal Blood, because it referred to the sacred bloodline that supposedly issued from Guillaume de Gellone, and ultimately King David, but which in reality, was understood to represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels, and their leader, Lucifer.
The Sinclairs were descendants of Guillaume de Gellone, through his great-great-granddaughter, Poppa of Bavaria, who married the Viking leader, Rollo Ragnvaldsson. Among Rollo's descendants was William the Conqueror of Normandy. The Sinclairs, or St. Clair, were given various other castles around France. However, they all went to England with the Conqueror. One Sinclair, though, named William, did not like the Conqueror, so with some other discontented barons, he went to Scotland and placed himself in the service of King Malcolm III of Scotland.
Malcolm III King of Scotland was the father of David I "the Saint" King of Scotland. In 1128, soon after the Council of Troyes, Hugh de Payens, the Templars' first Grand Master, met with King David I of Scotland. King David later surrounded himself with Templars, and appointed them as "the Guardians of his morals by day and night".
David married the grand-daughter of Lambert II, the brother of Godefroi de Bouillon, leader of the first crusade, and the sister of sister of William the Conqueror. Godefroi's younger brother, Eustace III, married David's sister, Mary Scots. Their daughter married Stephen I King of England, the son Adela de Normandie, the daughter of William the Conqueror. Adela's brother, Henry I King of England, married David's sister, Editha of Scotland. Their daughter, Mathilda Empress of England, married Geoffrey V, Comte d'Anjou, whose son Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine.
King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Balantrodoch, by the Firth of Forth, but now renamed Temple, near the site of Rosslyn. And, legend has it that, when the Templars came under trial, their leader de Molay arranged for the Templar to return to Scotland, where they assisted Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn.
Robert the Bruce claimed the Scottish throne as a great-great-great-great grandson of David. Walter Stewart, the sixth High Steward of Scotland, also played an important part in the Battle of Bannockburn. Walter Stewart then married Majory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and their son Robert II of Scotland was heir to the House of Bruce; he eventually inherited the Scottish throne after his uncle David II of Scotland died.
In Scotland, the Templars served Robert the Bruce as members of the Scots Guard, of which two prominent families were those of the Stuarts and the Sinclairs. Henry Sinclair was a supporter of Robert the Bruce, and one of his descendants, William Sinclair, designed Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and believed to be one of the sites where the Grail might be buried. Finally, the Sinclairs became the Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland.
After Queen Elizabeth died without an heir, she was succeeded by the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James Stewart I of England, also known as King James. It is for this reason that the Freemasons of the eighteenth century conspired to back the Stuart cause, after their last monarch, James II Stuart, King of England, was deposed, and replaced by William of Orange. The Stuart cause then became the essence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which regarded the Stuarts as the inheritors of the Templars, who had rescued the secret tradition of the East, otherwise known as the Kabbalah.
Since the late eighteenth century, however, the Illuminati have come under the leadership of the Rothschild family. The founder of the dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, ordered his sons to marry only their first cousins, continuing the careful intermarrying practiced by their predecessors.
However, the first exception was Hannah, the daughter of Amschel Mayer's son, the notorious Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who married the Rt. Hon. Henry Fitzroy, a direct descendant of Charles II Stuart King of England, the father of James II.
More recently, however, is the great-great-great grandson of Nathan Mayer, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, who married Mary Serena Dunn. The mother of Mary Serena was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, who was the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn.

Wolf in Sheep clothing

Who is the one whom as he walked into power his close aid and also his secretary was caught by the Malaysian Intelligence accused as a KGB spies?
A known Socialist ideologies who enter democratic party wearing sheep cloth.
Who arrested and murder muslim’s civilian framing them as terrorist in Memali?
Who claimed that Islam is moving backwards and who downgraded the Malays in his book?
Who defamed Islam with his flamboyant remarks about Islam and its Prophet?
Who own and breeds cabinet ministers out of trash with their background full of corruption and is used to gain their obedient.
Who selected and dismissed by politically strategies his successors again and again.
Who selected a dumb successor while knowing through his discretion that it will be a failure?
And who again proposed his favorite successor replacing whom he selected before?
And who currently naming a next successor to replace an exposed corrupted successor he earlier name to replace the current?
Of cause this is a behavior of a Father of All Conspiracies in Malaysia.
Who now sits and watching the behavior of Politicians once he knew and in fact many of those he breeds out of trash?
Just guess who?
Maybe he is not one of the communist himself but its theoretical value and strategies suit his goal.
And below is some remark taken from section out of article regarding Communist Agenda in Phsyco-Pilitics:-
You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in your nation. You must achieve such disrepute for the state of insanity and such authority over its pronouncement that not one statement so labelled could again be given credence by his people.
In a Capitalistic state you are aided on all sides by the corruption of the philosophy of man and the times. You will discover that everything will aid you in your campaign to seize, control and use all "mental healing" to spread our doctrine and rid us of our enemies within their own borders.
Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization of healing societies, by constant campaign about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness make you Capitalist himself, by his own appropriations, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of the nation.
The history and definition of psycho-politics.
In that any ruler has, from time beyond memory, needed the obedience of his subject in order to accomplish his ends, he has thus resorted to punishment. This is true of every tribe and state in the history of Man. Today, Russian culture has evolved more certain and definite methods of aligning and securing the loyalties of persons and populace, and of enforcing obedience upon them. This modern outgrowth of old practice is called psycho-politics.
Thus we see that psycho-political procedures are a natural outgrowth of practices as old as Man, practices which are current in every group of men throughout the world. Thus, in psycho-political procedures there is no ethical problem, since it is obvious and evident that Man is always coerced against his will to the greater good of the State, whether by economic gains or indoctrination into the wishes and desires of the State.
Man is already a colonial aggregation of cells, and to consider him an individual would be an error. Colonies of cells have gathered together as one organ or another of the body, and then these organs have, themselves, gathered together to form the whole. Thus we see that man, himself, is already a political organism, even if we do not consider a mass of men.
In any State we have certain individuals who operate in the role of the virus and germ, and these, attacking the population or any group within the population, produce, by their self-willed greed, a sickness in the organ, which then generally spreads to the whole.
The constitution of Man as an individual body, or the constitution of a State or a portion of the State as a political organism are analogous. It is the mission of psycho-politics first to align the obedience and goals of the group, and then maintain their alignment by the eradication of the effectiveness of the persons and personalities which might swerve the group towards disaffection. In our own nation, where things are better managed and where reason reigns above all else, it is not difficult to eradicate the self-willed bacteria which might attack one of our political entities. But in the field of conquest, in nations less enlightened, where the Russian State does not yet have power, it is not as feasible to remove the entire self-willed individual. psycho-politics makes it possible to remove that art of his personality which, in itself, is making havoc with the person's own constitution as well as the group with which the person is connected.
Chapter 3 - Man as an economic organism
In a nation where economic balances are not controlled, the appetite of the individual is unduly whetted by enchanting and fanciful persuasions to desire, and a type of insanity ensues, where each individual is persuaded to possess more than he can use, and to possess it even at the expense of his fellows.

Who Are The Illuminati?

Richard Stone
"A loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires" (Paul Simon). "The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes" (Benjamin Disraeli). "Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes the laws" (Mayer Rothschild). Conspiracy theory is the theory that most of the world is secretly governed by a small group of men who operate behind the scenes. Conspiracy theory is now an accepted turn of phrase but sometimes one hears the expression, sometimes whispered rather than spoken. "The Illuminati". What does this mean? Who are the Illuminati? They are, in essence, a cartel of international bankers and industrialists based in Western Europe and North America. The names of certain families persist over long periods of time. Some of the most important names are Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Lazard, Warburg, Schroder and Schiff. The pivotal family is probably the house of Rothschild, the descendants of Mayer Rothschild (1743 - 1812) of Frankfurt. The male descendants of this family, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even nieces. The family established banking institutions in Vienna, London, Naples and Paris as well as Frankfurt. Ever since the middle ages, these families have been building their power by lending money at rates of interest to the monarchies and governments of Europe who were forever in debt, particularly in times of war. Sooner than tax the population to raise funds, always an unpopular measure, they usually preferred to borrow money from the money-lenders. This was the birth of the concept "the national debt." The countries of the world are forever in debt but where there is a debtor there is a creditor - who is this money owed to? It is owed to this coterie of international bankers. By the nineteenth century the power of the Rothschild family was immense. They increased their wealth with great cunning and cleverness, while maintaining a low public profile. A notable example of their methods was their exploitation of the battle of Waterloo. The Rothschilds had spies watching the course of the battle and as soon as became evident that Wellington had won, a Rothschild agent traveled at maximum speed to London, arriving hours before Wellington's own messenger. Rothschild received the messenger and began conspicuously selling his stocks. The whole stock exchange assumed that Wellington had lost and Napoleon had won so everybody started selling, at this point, other Rothschild agents bought up huge stocks at give-away prices. Thus an already massive fortune was massively increased. The Rockefeller family may be equally important. The pivotal figure in this family was J.D.Rockefeller, who made his fortune out of Standard Oil or Esso in Ohio and Pennsylvania. He also controlled the railroads. When rival road transport systems were established he attempted to block them by parking his trains across the roads at level crossings. His basic business technique was the elimination of competitors at all costs, followed by the establishment of a monopoly, followed by profit taking. He rapidly gained a name for huge wealth, secrecy and hard and dirty business practice. In his later years he had a harsh and gaunt appearance, so to counter his bad "public image" JD more or less invented the PR industry. He had short films of himself made, calculated to charm the public, himself playing golf with a pretty little child for instance. This film was shown on TV recently. It has a rather false and amateurish air but was very effective with the public of the day. The Rockerfellers currently have controlling interests in Exxon (the world's biggest company) and the Chase Manhattan Bank, which turns over trillions of dollars a week. With so many billions in their hands already, what does more money mean? Obviously it means more power and more control over other human beings, but to what end and in whose name? Apparently in the name of Lucifer, the fallen angel also known as the bringer of light, hence the name "Illuminati", which means "the enlightened ones". Lucifer is also known for the characteristics of pride, deception and impermanence. The illuminati were apparently founded in Bavaria in 1770 by one Adam Weisshaupt, a student of the Jewish philosopher Mendelsohn, and backed by the Rothschild family. The society has always been based on the lodges of Freemasonry, which was taken over at the highest levels during the course of the eighteenth century by agents of the Illuminati. Freemasonry is a very secretive institution, to the extent that members at one level do not know what members at another level are doing. Hence it is an organisation which is full of bonhomie and good deeds at the lower and middle levels, while its motives and deeds at the highest levels veer towards the dark side. Both Freemasonry and Judaism have strong roots in the ancient Egyptian systems of religious belief, and it was this very similarity which attracted the illuminati to Freemasonry, for most of them were Jewish. It is a source of controversy today to speculate whether or not they are still predominantly Jewish. No unfair racism intended - they either are or they aren't. Certainly there is much evidence to suggest that they are not, George Bush for instance, a prominent illuminati figure and obviously not Jewish.
The all seeing eye on the U.S. Dollar Bill The United States of America is more or less a creation of Freemasonry. The symbol of Freemasonry was placed on the cornerstone of the Whitehouse, while the assembled Freemasons lodges stood and watched the ceremony. The famous all-seeing eye in the pyramid appears on the one dollar bill. It is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry. This bill also bears the inscription, in Latin, "1776, the year of inception of a new world order". If one joins the dots formed by the stars of the thirteen original states one obtains an exact Star of David. The goal of the IlIuminati is total control of the world. The only nations, which are holding out against their power, are some Islamic nations and China but this resistance is limited because the Illuminati have crushing economic power. There are certain methods of subjugation and control which are indispensable to this power. The first is, of course, complete control over all financial systems, all borrowing and lending. All banks, all building societies, all insurance companies have to be under their control. At the lowest level even the smallest bank will be forced to toe the line. At the highest level the World Bank decides the fate of countries. It is an interesting and amazing fact that both the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England are controlled by these Illuminati dynasties, in spite of the names of these banks, which suggest that they are run for public benefit. It is said that both Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy wanted to change this system. The second essential component is control of the media. It is controlled through business fashion. If the board meeting, or the management meeting, or the sales meeting, or the training meeting suggests that facts should be presented in a certain way, who is going to present them differently? There is an implied threat to one's job and one's career. Few people would gladly face demotion, retrenchment or the dole and most people are so ambitious they will do nearly anything "reasonable" to court favour with their superiors. This is how business is controlled and the media is the most important part of business, for it controls people's minds. People are very suggestible and often lend more credence to what they see on "the box" than to what happens on their own street. The Illuminati know this and use this suggestibility factor to the full. Lenin's key move during the Russian revolution was the capture of the radio station. The third factor in the control system is the universities, and through them the whole education system. Particular effort is put into the schools of sociology, politics, economics and education, hence "liberal" systems of education which are often degenerate and even violent. Their men are inserted into the universities through the power of funding by big business. They then spread their influence downwards through tertiary to secondary and primary education. The fourth factor is the enormous influence wielded by two similar organisations, The Council of Foreign Relations in the USA and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England. These institutions are schools for statesmen, Illuminati statesmen. They are the stamping grounds of men such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinksi and Lord Carrington. These two "think tanks" have a crucial influence on all US and British governments, no matter which party is "in power". The statesmen produced by these institutions can and do decide the fate of nations.The tax-exempt foundations are also instruments of Illuminati power. The Ford foundation and the Rockefeller foundation are two prominent examples of this type of "charitable" institution. They were heavily involved in supporting various communist powers when the cold war was at its height. Communism versus capitalism arms race = more money and power for the Illuminati. So these are some of the structures through which the Illuminati work but what methods do they use? Pitting one side against the other, using a theory devised by Hegel, which is: Thesis versus antitheses - synthesis. Every force tends to have an opposite counterforce. The conflict between the two results in a new situation, the synthesis. The illuminati make it their business to be the synthesis. Thus no problem situation is ever "nipped in the bud" it is rather fostered and used, just as the Soviet Union was fostered and used. The insertion of immigrant groups into countries is a variation of this divide and rule process. Each group can be played off against the other. "Double talk" and "double think". George Orwell knew instinctively what was going on when he invented these two expressions: I categorically deny = it will happen a bit later. Peace = war by another means. To say one thing and do another is fundamental to Illuminati practice. They believe that the public will accept these lies through laziness and wishful thinking. Unfortunately they are usually correct. "Keep them busy busy busy, back on the farm with the other animals." We are kept so busy with business (or busyness) that we do not understand or participate in the decisions and events that will crucially affect our future. When a real power move is made it is usually done secretly and suddenly often with the pretence that nothing has happened. There is preparation for opposition, but conflict is often not necessary as most people have been trained to be so passive that they will probably not create an effective opposition. Use of front men in important positions. These front men have the characteristic of "servile obedience", probably because of a blot or blots on their character which they are anxious to conceal. Most of the Presidents of the USA fall into this category. The current situation springs to mind. Behind the opponent stands the man with real power, who has long been groomed for this position. Men like Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Bush are in this category. The assassination of opposing leaders as quietly and as secretly as possible, so as to simulate a natural death. If this is not possible due to time constraints or other limited circumstances, surrogates are used and the lines of suspicion are covered by deception, false accusation and if necessary, multiple assassinations. Induced heart attacks, fake motor accidents and apparent suicides are also favoured methods of assassination. Social engineering. An easily manipulated rabble is what is required. Mixed population groups with weak morals, weak traditions, low educational standards and weak group willpower are the aim. Those with special aptitudes can be taken out and trained to serve the illuminati for technical purposes, security purposes or as part of the propaganda apparatus. The middle class will become surplus to requirements and will be reduced to relative poverty. Mockery and submission of the manners and morals of societies which show any resistance. Control of the media, the fashion industries and the education systems are essential components in this strategy. "Free love", the cult of youth, mockery of the Christian and Muslim faiths also fall into this category. "I don't give a rats ass about Jesus Christ" is one recent masterpiece from one of Hollywood's biggest starts. He probably didn't realise what he was saying, which makes him a "useful idiot'. A "useful idiot" is much more effective than a conscious supporter. By these means of subversion societies and nations are conquered from within and open battle is usually not necessary. The conduct of unrelenting economic warfare. This is the real war and continues even while the bombs are falling and the bullets are flying. The important part is the control of the enemy's economy after the conflict. The recent economic crash in the far-eastern countries is in reality an assertion of the Illuminati's economic power, an expression of economic dominance. The Illuminati now control 10-15% of the Japanese economy. This is public knowledge, that is what has been bought at bargain prices. In reality they probably control much more. Control and exploitation of the standards of public health. The sale of prescription drugs is a huge business generating mega profits. Medical operations and treatments can also be very profitable to big business. These extreme treatments have their place but are over-used for the sake of profit. In fact big business, particularly the big drug companies, have a vested interest in the ill health of the population. These companies, working through the US Food and Drug Administration, have tried to suppress the health food industry. In this they have largely failed but now the game is to own it and control it so that health foods can only be afforded by the elite. Argument through defamation of character. The factual debate is ignored while characters are defamed. This is usually a very effective technique as many human beings are very suggestible and seem reluctant to use their reasoning abilities. Thus a "smear campaign" can easily draw attention away from the facts. To conclude, it is growing increasingly evident that a world government is developing, and many would say that it is probably no bad thing, but few have asked for what purpose this "new world order" is created. Nor have they asked themselves what the consequences will be. These consequences (or some of them) will probably be as follows: • Increasing profits for big business, increasing poverty for the middle class (who they despise). A rapid decline in moral standards and the promotion of social decay. • Transience. Jobs that don't last; neighbourhoods that don't last. • Increasing levels of crime and violence. • Decline and demise of public services; replacement by private enterprise - good service for the few who can afford it. • Ongoing ill health for the bulk of the population because of stress; poor quality foods; food additives; genetic engineering; pollution and drugs. There may be good health for those who can afford it - only the rich and well informed. • The gradual phasing out of national governments, which will have powers more like the regional governments of today. • The formation of several conglomerations like the United States. In time a world leader will be announced, a real one this time. A pity he will have a cynical contempt for the most of humanity. Do we deserve it?

Interventionism, Not Muslims, Is the Problem

By Jacob G. HornbergerOctober 28, 2008 "Future of Freedom Foundation" -- One of the popular post-9/11 sentiments has been the one that holds that Muslims are bent on conquering the world. The notion is that Muslims hate Christianity and Western freedom and values and that such hatred is rooted in the Koran and stretches back centuries. Thus, the United States has been drawn, reluctantly, into a war against Muslims. That’s why U.S. forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the argument goes — to defend our freedoms by killing Muslims over there before they get over here and kill us.I sometimes wonder whether the people who have this mindset have reflected on the ramifications of their belief.For example, if Muslims in general are at war with the United States, then why shouldn’t Americans be out killing Muslims here in the United States? After all, when a nation is at war, isn’t it permissible to kill the enemy? Isn’t that what war is all about?The reason that proponents of this view don’t start killing Muslims here in the United States is very simple: Deep down, they know that the killers will be indicted by their very own government for murder. They will then be prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to serve time in a federal penitentiary for murder.Let’s carry the ramifications overseas.If the United States is at war against Muslims, then why not start with ousting the Muslim regime in Iraq and installing a Christian or Jewish regime in its place? Yes, I said Iraq. Believe it or not, the U.S. invasion of that country succeeded in installing an Islamic regime, a regime which, by the way, has closely aligned itself with the radical Islamic regime in Iran.A second-choice candidate for invasion, occupation, and regime change would be Kuwait, another country run by an Islamic regime. Since Saddam Hussein’s forces were easily able to conquer the country, it should be a piece of cake for U.S. forces.A problem arises however. Once the United States effects regime change in Iraq and Kuwait, installing Christian or Jewish regimes, what about the millions of Muslims in those two countries? Sure, their governments would no longer be Islamic but what about the millions of people living there? Wouldn’t they still be the enemy to Christians and the West? Wouldn’t they still be bent on world conquest? What should be done with them? Perpetual incarceration in concentration camps? Mass executions of all Muslims?And what about Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and all the other countries in which people are predominantly Muslim. You know — the Islamic countries that are the recipients of billions of dollars in U.S. foreign aid. Does the U.S. government invade those countries too, effect regime change, and incarcerate or execute the millions of Muslims living there?During the Cold War, people used to say the same thing about the communists that we’re now hearing about the Muslims. The communists were coming to get us, and some Americans were even looking under their beds for communists. In fact, 58,000 American men were sacrificed in Southeast Asia because U.S. officials claimed that Vietnam was the central front in the war on communism. With a military loss in Vietnam, the dominoes would start falling, they told us, with the final domino being the United States.Yet, the U.S. did lose in Vietnam, and yet the dominoes didn’t fall. It turned out that those 58,000 American men died for nothing. Today, U.S. officials even travel to Vietnam as tourists. Americans are freely trading with the people who were supposedly going to invade the United States and take over the IRS and the public schools.Ironically, throughout the Cold War there was nary a mention of the Islamic threat to the West, even though proponents of that view today claim that the Muslim threat stretches back many centuries. In fact, the irony of ironies is that during the Cold War the U.S. government even entered into partnerships with Muslims, including Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and various Islamic regimes in the Middle East. No one accused U.S. officials of treason for entering into agreements with the enemy.It’s true that Muslims have fundamental differences with Christians and the West, and vice versa. But those types of differences ordinarily do not cause people to kill people who have different values. Most Muslims are no different from Americans in the sense that they simply wish to live their lives in peace, practice their faith, raise their families, and be left alone. They don’t like it when some foreign government tries to interfere with their way of life, just as Americans don’t like it when some foreign government does that to them.What all too many Americans, unfortunately, will not permit themselves to see is that that is precisely what the U.S. government did in the Middle East, especially when the Soviet communist bugaboo evaporated in 1989. As a result of U.S. interventionism in the Middle East, especially the interventionism that resulted in large number of deaths (e.g., the sanctions and the no-fly zones), what began as differences in values rose to the level of anger and rage that induced some people to seek vengeance through violence.Thus, rather than ceasing its policy of interventionism after 9/11, which is what the U.S. government should have done even while pursuing the perpetrators through criminal-justice means, it did the very worst thing possible — it continued and even expanded its policy of interventionism in the hope of killing those whose differences with America’s values had risen to the level of rage as a result of U.S. interventionism. Not surprisingly, that only fueled more anger and rage.So, what should the U.S. government do now? It should do what it should have done after 9/11: Exit Afghanistan and Iraq and the entire Middle East. Bring all the troops home.Would this quell the anger and rage against the United States? Not all of it but certainly much of it. As I said above, most people simply want to live their lives in peace.After all, look at Vietnam, where the U.S. government killed more than a million people. Once U.S. forces exited the country, the Vietnamese left the United States alone.While there is the ever-present risk that there will still be some people who will still want vengeance, their numbers will be relatively small. While they will constitute an ever-present threat of terrorism, that’s the price that must be paid for past interventions. What’s important to note is that continued interventionism can never solve that problem — it can only make it worse.When governments go awry, it is up to the citizenry to straighten out their course. The problem is not Muslims or Islam. The problem is the U.S. government and, specifically, its foreign policy of interventionism. Bringing an end to that policy will restore a sense of peace and harmony not only to the American people but also the people of the world. Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. jhornberger @ fff.org